
bandz ahoy
Luka says graphic designers are worse than paedophiles.

(Presumably especially the paedophilic graphic designers.)


Well-known member
any case anyone makes for design is going to make me feel so quesy and distressed. i can just imagine how they will phrase it and i already feel a bit sick and anxious.


bandz ahoy
I don't think luka's against design in general just against it getting big ideas and encroaching upon the hallowed halls of Art.


Well-known member
you're marking yourself out as a dissident vim, which is a dangerous game to play. there is a A List, and your name is going on it.


bandz ahoy
"While not being exactly an art nor a science, it takes elements from both. Art is about creating something that expresses the author’s vision, ideas and feelings. While designers can express feelings and leave impressions through their work, doing so is not their prime objective. So it takes the creating aspect of art, as it is about crafting an item, a tool, an experience even."



bandz ahoy
That ease of use is important

It explains all the smooth edges. The immaculate grading. Everything 'just so'.


is not like other people
i can remember saying as a student that graphic design would take over from fine art and i was right


graphic designer is the most hipster profession, in my experience. they all have ironic beards, tattoos, and wear lumberjack shirts.


bandz ahoy
I've tried out graphic design in the past (i mean literally sitting at somebody's desk and playing around on photoshop) and it seems like a lot of fun.

Probably isn't after five minutes, though.


Well-known member
I've a friend who complained another friend's bathroom was "the least ergonomic bathroom" he'd ever seen.