vershy versh
Well-known member
Luka! Vote for someone, you cunt!
I hate to come out in support of the comments beneath a Bond clip on youtube - but I have quite often been told off by women for how I pour wine.The comments are once again insufferable.
Michael-Francis Polios 2 years ago
Vesper means evening in Latin. It says a lot: she's no morning sun. She's the evening, which always conceals something. And perhaps that's the tragedy: that their encounter was fated to be in the evening, where their love was already too late.
ndyracingnut 6 years ago
Gentlemen, at 1:16.....THAT is how you properly pour a bottle of wine. Don't think women don't notice these kinds of things.
Stannis The Mannis 3 years ago
Most British vocally articulated foreplay.
There's that weird bit in the Lazenby one where they break the fourth wall (is it the third wall or fourth? I've seen both used I believe) and someone says (something like) "this never happened to the other guy" - what's that about? It really does say that doesn't it and it doesn't seem to have any other meaning within the context. The only possible interpretation appears to be that they are saying "This guy is not as good as the other one is pretending to be James Bond in these films" - which seems like a totally un-Bondy post-modern, nothing-to-do-with-an-impossibly-suave-and-handsome-sex-and-killing-machine touch for them to include.If not Niven then I'd have guessed Dalton or Connery, maybe Lazenby as an outlier.
What's wrong with the old directly-into-one's-mouth approach, eh?I hate to come out in support of the comments beneath a Bond clip on youtube - but I have quite often been told off by women for how I pour wine.
i can't rememeber anything about any of the various Bonds I must have watched. I've retained nothing whatsoever. Not a single scene or anything. It's all tears in the rain