I'm Increasingly Resistant to New Things


Well-known member
The facebook self made me uncomfortable, the twitter template tone even moreso . But tiktok videos take pre packaged expression and fame hunger a bit further again. the machine does a lot more of the thinking for you with tik tok and everyone is playing for huge international audiences rather than friends or peers - so international craic. it is fun and addictive to flick through but also sinister and should be banned definitely

Oooh I see what you mean. The platform incentivises behaviour, channels energy in a particular way, so the youth are all brainless soulless zombies. That's a more interesting point.

constant escape

winter withered, warm
Oooh I see what you mean. The platform incentivises behaviour, channels energy in a particular way, so the youth are all brainless soulless zombies. That's a more interesting point.
And the old aren't even properly fit to be brainless and soulless zombies, from the higher order perspective.


Well-known member
Tik tok has alot of potential. You can watch intimate videos of Kellyanne Conway chewing out her 15 year old daughter for releasing sensitive political information on there. I generally think the youths have all the self awareness and irony of my generation (also 26) without the crippling self reflexive anxiety. During my time teaching, some students would make the same obtuse, Kaufman-esque cracks my friends and I would make, but they weren't likewise mouth breathing freaks, they were well socialized, friendly, popular.

this thread may be full of geezers. though the almost non existent distance between content creators and audience the youths have is worrisome, for reasons already mentioned above -incentivizing bad behavior, fame hunger, energy channeling. the mechanism does feel all the more consuming.

constant escape

winter withered, warm
Although from time to time I get the impression that today's youth exist as psychic crucibles for ever more pronounced pathologies than yesterday's youth. Its becoming ever more normal, statistically, to have some kind of deeply buried and crippling psychopathology. Due largely to the strange alienations administered by the techspace annexing the jurisdiction of meatspace.

edit: that is, I think there is a trend of sorts, where the cutting edge of youth culture is a culture that incubates psychic ontologies that would increasingly be considered pathological by some fixed normative perspective.


Well-known member


Well-known member
Although from time to time I get the impression that today's youth exist as psychic crucibles for ever more pronounced pathologies than yesterday's youth. Its becoming ever more normal, statistically, to have some kind of deeply buried and crippling psychopathology. Due largely to the strange alienations administered by the techspace annexing the jurisdiction of meatspace.

edit: that is, I think there is a trend of sorts, where the cutting edge of youth culture is a culture that incubates psychic ontologies that would increasingly be considered pathological by some fixed normative perspective.
That what I think. In that sense youth cultures no different than everything already written about on late capital/post modernism- increased schizo energy but spinning in a void, robbed of its productivity.

constant escape

winter withered, warm
Yeah like the productivity was originally being siphoned by some human(s) in a capitalist position, but lately its starting to be siphoned by less and less recognizably human forces, increasingly alien forces. Or perhaps the tech that has been mediating this siphoning relation has reached some kind of hyperactive state and is siphoning surplus value or whatever at a rate that exceeds whatever needs/applications the capitalist has.

I suppose the question of whether or not this mediating tech eventually supplants the capitalist human, and begins to find a use for this surplus value itself, is largely overlapping with the questions of artificial intelligence.
I generally think the youths have all the self awareness and irony of my generation (also 26) without the crippling self reflexive anxiety. During my time teaching, some students would make the same obtuse, Kaufman-esque cracks my friends and I would make, but they weren't likewise mouth breathing freaks, they were well socialized, friendly, popular.

expand on this. Are young people more comfortable putting on the hats, resigned to role play?
That what I think. In that sense youth cultures no different than everything already written about on late capital/post modernism- increased schizo energy but spinning in a void, robbed of its productivity.

realised this answers my question. this is another unsettlin things about tik tok... nothing shocking or transgressive Afaik. Where’s this generations happy slapping?


Well-known member
theres some pretty out there stuff on there. whether or not it manages to shock is a different type of question, but theres definitely transgression. Im not sure Tik tok is all that different from any other older media platform beyond pace

constant escape

winter withered, warm
It’s all too nice is what I mean
Well I'm also somewhat inclined to believe that the alt-right taboo-breaking drive underpins much more of the population than the alt-right proper, and the primary thing holding it back is the norms/standards of neoliberal success. Like if you were to abstract the taboo-breaking from the alt-right proper, and spread it around in various concentrations.

I'm also inclined to believe that nihilism is increasingly pronounced in youth cultures, but perhaps the case could be made that it is just a waxing/waning psychic phenomena. That is, the machine that is being raged against by certain youth cultures is a machine that fine tunes and upgrades itself in a way that the raging-against can't seem to match.
Tell me more I’ve only spent 45 seconds on it. And Not to be sensationalist but I think it spells the end

Yeah like the productivity was originally being siphoned by some human(s) in a capitalist position, but lately its starting to be siphoned by less and less recognizably human forces, increasingly alien forces. Or perhaps the tech that has been mediating this siphoning relation has reached some kind of hyperactive state and is siphoning surplus value or whatever at a rate that exceeds whatever needs/applications the capitalist has.

the rules of ‘engagement’ over all. With tik
Tok We’re the artist the art and the art lover at once, what a thrill! And what do we pay for this thrill? What does the machine god ask for in return? Our souls

john eden

male pale and stale
Obviously I’ve not been on Tik Tok because I’m not a paedo.

But stuff from there has ended up on my Twitter feed and some of it has been great. Funny and well pitched. The two girls on about Trump’s Antifa-soup rant were brilliant.

Most of it is shit I guess but that’s nothing new. The daughter tells me it is hyper-algorithmic so the Tik Tok you see will be very different to what others see.


Well-known member
I have friends that tell me it shows them things they didnt even know they were into. The algorithm will toss them into some random niche community and it will instantly register with them. Youtube does a similar thing.
sounds like the perfect tool for malicious social engineering gauping right into our living rooms. thank god us adults really understand it all and the kids havent been left exposed and impressionable


i remember this book, the long tail, from ealy 2000s, which was kind of thing business execs like to give other business execs impression that they read. and it described situation in which certain kinds of products became subject to a "power law" dynamic whereby there were a few winners (as producers) and many losers (the long tail). for example, at one point, if you were best singer in your village, you might be locally famous. but then, after development of records and CDs, you no longer seem impressive compared to best singers in world. toktok seems like extension of this long tail model to individual popularity: now there is a power law operating at the level of a global school playground