Techniques for Influencing Time


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Virilio talks about losing the battle on the barricades (in space) so taking the fight to time (going on strike).


cat malogen
Seasonal change can throw any physiological clock. Not manually re-setting clocks, more the reduction in daylight but only a month to the shortest day. It’s the mornings not the evenings as clocks switch - walking home from work as it’s still dark, last of the milk floats humming round, traffic slowly breaking into long lines of insectoid eyes snaking up to traffic lights at key routes

Time for a new calendar?

Expect Elon to conjure alternatives afresh from the digital machine gods as ‘hardcore’ maximisation focuses on US employment data sets, annual leave patterns, productivity, maybe fucking off Thanksgiving and/or Christmas Day, team building sessions offset by lunch perks, 24 hour D.O.G.E shifts (lightweights) billed as Patriotic Acts of Self Sacrifice ..

One aspect to retirement my Mum brought up recently was Fridays losing their Fridayness, its internal measure of being off the clock for long enough so the previous working days lose their unique differential qualities