How Computer Games Shaped Our Imaginations.


Well-known member
We should get Corpse drunk and goad him into breaking into Kent's place then film what happens.

he'll speed dial an Albanian and then we'll bond over a mirror while blood drips from our noses contaminating the £90 a gram chalk dust/ brick dust / baby laxative / 1% novacaine mix he scored

line b

Well-known member
Beer drinking as a lifestyle is like this. Always checking your inventory, taking quests to the corner store, setting highscores, beating the 2AM coundown. Lots of simple gamified math like theres 4 people, 8 beers, and 30 minutes till the store closes.

line b

Well-known member
A lot of the stories are just stupid teenage stuff. I grew up in a really middle-class area with rich mates who had money to throw away on drugs and big flats and houses to hang around in. One of them stole his mum's car and crashed it straight into a wall after pulling out of the drive.
I always thought you grew up in the uk equivalent of appalachia. This changes my whole mental image of these stories

line b

Well-known member
I can imagine you being a good boy and eating breakfast at the table every morning as one by one your 12 brothers would slide down the firemans pole into the kitchen and grab a peice of toast on their way out the door

vershy versh

Well-known member
I can imagine you being a good boy and eating breakfast at the table every morning as one by one your 12 brothers would slide down the firemans pole into tne kitchen and grab a peice of toast on their way out the door

It did have that sort of vibe. I have three brothers and a sister and my mum used to drive us and our mates around in a knackered minivan. There'd always be people in and out of the house with bikes and skateboards and stuff and lots of shenanigans. One of my friends got his foot stuck in the banister riding a sled down the stairs and we did stuff like fill one of the bedrooms with green smoke.


Well-known member
Beer drinking as a lifestyle is like this. Always checking your inventory, taking quests to the corner store, setting highscores, beating the 2AM coundown. Lots of simple gamified math like theres 4 people, 8 beers, and 30 minutes till the store closes.
a lot easier when you can just go to the shop though. mind you drugs are getting even easier nowadays from what i can tell. no one has to sit on a wall in a forest gate estate at 3am for 45 minutes anymore.

vershy versh

Well-known member
I saw a stand-up set a while back where the guy had a bit about his sister being a heroin addict and how addicts are always doing little 'quests' like in a video game. Always running around collecting copper to sell or nicking things or meeting people in odd locations.

At the extreme end of this, I watched a documentary last night about a bunch of meth heads who live on a US bombing range and nip in and out between runs to pull the metal from cluster bombs, tanks, and anything else they can find.


vershy versh

Well-known member
It's called Scrapper (2011). You can watch it on YouTube. It doesn't embed, but you should be able to just click-through the link above. It's not as exciting as it sounds tbh, but it's an intriguing little world.


bandz ahoy
I've been thinking of getting into city skylines again recently

Think it would work better on pc though