
Well-known member
i like the set up of this thread. idle rich passively aggressively saying basketball is shit and americans trying to defend it. good dynamic,


I mean obviously it's filled with these weird superhuman giant people... but at the same time it will always be a poor relation to football, cricket, table-tennis.... etc


Well-known member
So on twitter I keep seeing stuff about this Luka Donic guy, what did he do?

He's really good, and in a recent game he ended with 60 points, 21 rebounds, 10 assists. For context, scoring 30 points is a good night, lots of games where no one has that many.
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He's really good, and in a recent game he ended with 60 points, 21 rebounds, 10 assists in a recent game. For context, scoring 30 points is a good night, lots of games where no one has that many.
I read the raw numbers but take me through it, gimme some context. Suppose Messi scored 10 goals in a game it would be crazy but the opposition would be important... are the Nicks particularly shit? Or did the team get a normal amount but Donic got all of them? And what would be better 60/21/10 or 70/15/10 or other variants? What's the most anyone has ever got? I read that no-one has ever got this stat before is that true? And if so is it the best ever? How good is Donic? Is he American?


Which is best 61/19/20 or 61/18/21? What if he got 150 points but no rebounds? Most importantly, what's his Adjusted Player Efficiency Rating and his Box Plus Minus?


Well-known member
wilt chamberlain scored 100 points in a game in 1962, Kobe Bryant has 81 in 2006. players have scored 70+ nine times, five of those by chamberlain.

of course, the most impressive stat for wilt the stilt was the claim that he slept with 20,000 women.


Well-known member
I read the raw numbers but take me through it, gimme some context. Suppose Messi scored 10 goals in a game it would be crazy but the opposition would be important... are the Nicks particularly shit? Or did the team get a normal amount but Donic got all of them? And what would be better 60/21/10 or 70/15/10 or other variants? What's the most anyone has ever got? I read that no-one has ever got this stat before is that true? And if so is it the best ever? How good is Donic? Is he American?
Hes slovenian


I just can't believe that statline. The guy died at 63. Even assuming daily unbroken production from 14-63, the count falls a few thousand short of the claimed 20k. I also have to imagine that his stamina and ability to pull were lower pre-fame (especially in middle and high school) and would have waned once he left the league and some of his notoriety faded (age 37 onward). This would require a statline of several daily sexual partners during his college and pro career, all while traveling on the road with teammates.


Well-known member
Magic johnson said he would sleep with 3-4 women a day because he could just point at a couple of them that would hang out outside the hotel room waiting for him. Still, 20k is impossible


Well-known member
apparently it's an estimate by his biographer. the guy spent a week with wilt, and said wilt had sex with 2-3 women per day for the week. he took that average, cut it in half (I think he used 1.2 per day), discounted the first 15 years of his life, then multiplied the remaining days of wilt's life by 1.2.


Maybe that was just a week he decided to cut loose, rest of the time he was concentrating on volleyball, had no time for women, lived like a monk.
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wilt chamberlain scored 100 points in a game in 1962, Kobe Bryant has 81 in 2006. players have scored 70+ nine times, five of those by chamberlain.

So when they say no-one has got this sfatline before, it may be literally true.... but several people have scored way more points (which is surely the most important thing right?) just not got as many rebounds etc.

What I'm asking is, how legendary/significant etc is this performance? Good, great or historic?