Books in Film


Well-known member
What do you mean?
I just mean he let's himself hang out most. Like schrader and DePalma there's a lot of artifice and they disguise where they are from in reality. Whereas scorsese is just going for it. But schrader is now going for it.


Well-known member
I'd say that applies to Schrader more than Scorsese. These lonely, male characters he's been writing about his whole career can be pretty ugly self-portraits; Scorsese strikes me as slicker and less personal.


Well-known member
when I hear 'letting it all hang out' I think making fun films for the guys without an apprehension or pretension


Well-known member
I feel my life turning. All it needed was a direction. You drift from day to day, years go by. Then a change comes. I am able to change. I can be a good person. What a strange thing to happen, halfway through your life. What luck.


Well-known member
Carlito's Way
Craner's great in this one;


kid charlemagne

Well-known member
He's a bit incelly isn't he. That nasal shifting tone, he's uncomfortable but also very eloquent and insightful. Like when he's talking about the masks and guises.

Clearly someone familiar with trying on different persons, so he foreshadows quite a lot of our "now" time.

I watched mishima years ago and seem to recall it's a bit of a mess, he has this way of trying to tell the story by smashing a traditional bipic together with sequences from the novels, so it's disjointed. Maybe better if you are already quite familiar with the work, which I wasn't.

Although I did go onto read 'confessions of a mask' but I couldn't get into it.

Mishima is probably someone worthy of revisiting.

Also Dick Cavett... I was watching the one with Cassavetes, Falk and Gazzara. And also the one with Scorsese and De Palma.

Maybe someone on here posted them?

Nothing startling, but he seems like a proper time capsule you could get lost in for a bit
fascinating we had talk shows like this comp to what u see now


Well-known member
fascinating we had talk shows like this comp to what u see now

I made a thread on this.
