
Well-known member
I feel a bit shaken I thought this film was futuristic but it looks like Ray Harryhausen


Well-known member
One striking thing
1. The iconography of the city in these olden days is a no go zone patrolled by psychopathic street punks


Well-known member
Another interesting thing is they made the street lights blue which I don't think street lights have ever been?


Well-known member
It's shockingly good as a film, far better then I expected. Far better than almost any other film I've ever seen. Bu more than that it feels like more then a film, it feels like a prophecy, it feel woven into our reality


Well-known member
It's basically just a monster film, getting chased by a monster for two hours


Well-known member
I just watched Terminator 2 which is not as good unless you are 12 years old as I was when I first watched it.


Well-known member
Marks a decline in sensibility. For instance, soundtrack is terrible. Having it centred on a horrible bratty kid with curtains makes it feel a bit like Home Alone.

vershy versh

Well-known member
I used to prefer T2, but gradually came around to the first one. I prefer the atmosphere of the first. It's a bit more raw. I like the Sarah becoming a Terminator, the Terminator becoming a human flip in T2 though. Also that Cameron made a point of the villain being a cop.

“The Terminator films are not really about the human race getting killed of by future machines. They’re about us losing touch with our own humanity and becoming machines, which allows us to kill and brutalize each other,” he says. “Cops think all non-cops as less than they are, stupid, weak, and evil. They dehumanize the people they are sworn to protect and desensitize themselves in order to do that job.”


Well-known member
Marks a decline in sensibility. For instance, soundtrack is terrible. Having it centred on a horrible bratty kid with curtains makes it feel a bit like Home Alone.
In fact I'd like someone to do a study of the 'fuck you mom' attitude as represented in popular American culture. When did it start and what were the major channels of dissemination.


Well-known member
I'm wondering what other major cultural milestones of the 80s and early 90s I should catch up with. I've never seen Back to the Future before. Maybe that next.


Well-known member
I remember seeing some kids cartoons about maybe ten years back and being shocked and appalled at the characters terrible attitudes towards adults and authority. I thought, this can't be making parents jobs any easier. Terrible example being set by spongebob squarepants or whatever it was I was watching.


Well-known member
I've not seen any of the Die HARD FILMS EITHER BUT THEY look a bit generic. Do I need to bother?