Texas Power Outage


How can they make you pay if they didn't deliver? How can they increase price tenfold if they did? What will the consequences be if you get a bill for 5k and simply don't pay it?


Apparently the few Texans able to draw electricity are getting huge bills because their smart meters multiply by demand/supply or something.


Sure but is it enforceable? I read about people getting 4k plu bills they can't possibly pay on their wage - what is the upshot?


cat malogen
We can form an alliance through Wallace (not Gibson) when putting the boot into the English, who are the real problem

We then offer them a pledge, do they side with 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 or pivot toward a John Brown style emancipation of the commonwealth, with one of the main Thames crossings acting like Harper’s Ferry

All captives will be given two options - sing God Save the Queen and get a bullet, or revoke its colonial bs and join an international cohort of free men


Well-known member
Craner does a good bit about how the Scottish are the obedient servants of Empire and bootlickers par excellence. He says if Scotland gains independence the SNP will be obsolete and Scotland will revert to its native Tory state.


Well-known member
He says the snarling feral nationalism the SNP project is founded on will express itself as Toryism in the wake of independence.


cat malogen
That is why Glasgow will invade Edinburgh and remove its bureaucratic rats

Brave New World mate


We can form an alliance through Wallace (not Gibson) when putting the boot into the English, who are the real problem

We then offer them a pledge, do they side with 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 or pivot toward a John Brown style emancipation of the commonwealth, with one of the main Thames crossings acting like Harper’s Ferry

All captives will be given two options - sing God Save the Queen and get a bullet, or revoke its colonial bs and join an international cohort of free men
Captain Mission.


Well-known member
My friend in Austin is still living in a hotel 25 miles away. Heat and electricity are back but lots of Austin still without water.


Well-known member
He says the snarling feral nationalism the SNP project is founded on will express itself as Toryism in the wake of independence.
they've already got huge issues with transphobia within the ranks. I won't be surprised if this prediction comes to fruition: Scotland turned its back on Corbynism and left-leaning politics in favour of the SNP's populist centrism. (granted, that's a very broad take that ignores a lot of issues around Scottish Labour seperate from the main party)


Well-known member
It's definitely one of Craner's most convincing bits. I'd bought the line that everyone up there was a hardline socialist until he unrolled that one on me. He had all these figures to back it up too.


Well-known member
yeah Scotland being generally to the left of the rest of the UK doesn't make us socialists, it just reflects badly on the union. The SNP have been very good at conflating the two ideas in recent years. I think their perceived competence is a matter of comparative success, I think it wouldn't be hard for anyone to look good in comparison to how Westminster has fucked everything up this past year. But yeah go on Wikipedia and look at the actual votes and you'll see that Tory support is on the rise here: there are generations who don't remember what Thatcher did to places like Linwood.