Yeah it's all a bit twisted up isn't it?
Tories kicked off with "Yeah its fine, boo them when they take the knee - go ahead lads, be a bit* racist, we're with you" and then a week or two later it's not quite worked out cos seems that a large part of the hooligan fraternity has a different view of what constitutes "a bit racist" than the Tories and so then you have the Tories going "Wow, not that racist, now you're making US look bad" and you have all these people getting arrested or losing their jobs or whatever going "Eh? I thought you were with us on this one bozza, it's just a bit of racism, can't believe that you think is a lot racist, as it happens though, if you want I can show you a lot racist, no problem".
*nb "a bit" here does not really mean "not very racist" it actually means "do it subtly or at least in such a way that you can almost plausibly deny the meaning of what you said or did" - an example being booing the knee thing and then claiming that it's nothing to do with racism, it's just because you're mortally offended by the insertion of politics into the beautiful game which clearly ought to be left on its own, pure and beautiful and simply good. And anyway, BLM is actually nothing to do with helping black people, it's actually a neo-marxist waffle waflfe waffle, bullshit bullshit bullshit... how the fuck do people swallow all this?