dream sequence


Well-known member
Posh Isolation RPG?
Sounds of early computer music?
TV drama ket jams?
A fried Mellotron?
Actually a recording of an outdoor jam with no deadcat used?
Melodies buried in the friction of tectonic plates?
All of the above?



Well-known member
Rewatched Dead Mountaineer's Hotel with the missus yesterday.
This video is a pretty accurate depiction of my state while watching the final avalanche scene.


Well-known member
thats exactly the kind of acheived plateu that i think my dreams are not
it's not how my dreams look like either
the theme is something I can only characterise as sometimes dreamy and distorted, at times half-perceptible, at times a clueless sensory overload

line b

Well-known member
If I hear any sound in my dreams its some sound from outside my head seeping in just before it wakes me up.