

bandz ahoy
I wanked about six or seven times today.

I was in the pit of despair until I read neon dreams.


the context is, i wrote this a long time ago when my life was defined by trying to give up weed and not being able to
Instantly understand the op now, instantly relatable, etc.

moments of Sheer Desperation (like that scenario exactly) engender this impulse within me to force my brain to shit out an aphorism, some "These Words You Write today Will Subconciously Cement Themselves As Very Important Circuits of Your Neurolinguistically Programmed Self Hypnosis Macros", self serious grasping at control over my habits, that, when written, always make me feel like a caricature of a teenager in a teenager's tv show. "You will Never delete any of these! they will be remembered as your life's work" i say, out loud to myself, as i take a vape rip that makes me cough so hard i jerk-chuck my phone into a glass of water, waking up my mum and her boyfriend. Anyway, none of that shit worked for me, so im inclined to say false. But it would be nice if it were true...