
"finance will be much cheaper" - completely insane statement, the cost of financing a project doesn't depend on tech problems within the world of finance but the real world cost of funding


Well-known member
"finance will be much cheaper" - completely insane statement, the cost of financing a project doesn't depend on tech problems within the world of finance but the real world cost of funding
You are misunderstanding. I'm not talking about a project, I'm talking about funding projects and people trading risk generally speaking. Futures contracts provide a way for farmers and manufacturers to trade their price risks with each other or with speculators. This is a good thing. lowering the cost of exchanging risk increases economic activity and allows for good risk taking.


Binary & Tweed
but you don't even know *what those problems are*
Well also one of the glaring problems that Bitcoin offers a solution for is inflation, by demonstrating that a supply of a currency can be predetermined in code. I don't see Bitcoin itself functioning as a currency, but I do see that this demonstration can be applied to a stablecoin, wherein inflation itself, as a policy matter, can potentially be approached with more oversight and transparency than the federal reserve board.


You are misunderstanding. I'm not talking about a project, I'm talking about funding projects and people trading risk generally speaking. Futures contracts provide a way for farmers and manufacturers to trade their price risks with each other or with speculators. This is a good thing. lowering the cost of exchanging risk increases economic activity and allows for good risk taking.
but they must both align ultimately


Binary & Tweed
So if a central bank adopts stablecoin tech, the inflation rate can dependably be predetermined, and changing it would require centralized authority that may programmatically permitted only under emergency circumstances. These are just new tools to be considered. Not saying they will all prove to be more effective at monetary policy problems than the existing solutions such as they are.


Well also one of the glaring problems that Bitcoin offers a solution for is inflation, by demonstrating that a supply of a currency can be predetermined in code. I don't see Bitcoin itself functioning as a currency, but I do see that this demonstration can be applied to a stablecoin, wherein inflation itself, as a policy matter, can potentially be approached with more oversight and transparency than the federal reserve board.
theres a whole separate conversation to be had about why this is bad in theory and bad in practice


Binary & Tweed
theres a whole separate conversation to be had about why this is bad in theory and bad in practice
I do think you are misunderstanding my general line of argument here. I'm not advocating specific usages of decentralized database tech, I'm just saying it renders possible new fields of possibilities wherein better solutions may be found. I see it as unlocking new capabilities that may or may not prove suitable for an amazingly wide variety of potential applications.


Binary & Tweed
And I'm just trying to demonstrate examples of these new possibilities, a new kind of reasoning even, not prescribe them.


that's asinine, sorry but it's true for anything. what is crypto designed to to, does it do it, and is it a good thing. those are the relevant questions.


Well-known member
what is this "cost of finance" that you refer to here?
See pic related in one of my earlier replies. traditional finance has no programmatic way of ensuring computational integrity. Even regulation etc could be automated and done via zero knowledge proofs. At a high level, "costs" are associated with the need for trust


Binary & Tweed
that's asinine, sorry but it's true for anything. what is crypto designed to to, does it do it, and is it a good thing. those are the relevant questions.

They are relevant questions, but this is also a matter of a major technical frontier where the technical solutions may precede the problems they are suited for, which is a situation where these questions are not sufficient. It becomes a matter of assessing what these solutions are good for, and if they aren't suited for existing problems, or if their marginal benefits don't warrant systematic overhauls, then they are to be shelved to revisited later.

I'd say the bulk of innovation in distributed database tech is pure innovation, but I expect applications to follow, seeing as we are only progressing into an increasingly digital world.


you guys are true believers and I dont fault you for that, but you are effectively useful idiots in a space which is designed for fraud, fraud is its raison detre