Mood affiliation


Well-known member
I've noticed when I'm in a particularly cynical mood I can end up pulling hard to the left and adopting a position of the entire thing being rotten, rip it all down, or I can end up leaning right in and adopting a save yourself, grab what you can position.

Something like Ellroy's description of Hammett on politics would be me at my most cynical;

"Hammett views politics as crime most cancerous and genteel. It's crime buttressed by unspoken sanction. It's crime facilitated by a callous legal system. It's crime enforced by vicious cops in hobnailed boots. Hammett treats politics-as-crime in deadpan fashion. He assumes that the reader knows this: politics is The Manoeuvre as public spectacle and reverential shuck. That means America was a land grab. That means all political discourse is disingenuous. That means his workmen heroes refuse to soliloquise or indict - they know the game is rigged and they're feeding off scraps of trickle-down graft."

... but when I inevitably mellow a bit, I might drift to the centre somewhat and look more favourbly on small acts of kindness, local activism, small business and so on and feel that the system isn't totally unsalvageable.


Well-known member
one of the things i was a bit unsure about was if Gus was positing mood as some stable thing, where we situate ourselves, rather than something fickle and changing arbitarily all the fucking time so you don't know whether youre coming or going, which is how it is for me at any rate.
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Well-known member
yeah although that had a slightly different dimension to it i was too lazy to explain


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It's interesting that people's moods can be so fluid, but that doesn't necessarily carry over into their ideology. It just modulates the intensity.


Well-known member
yeah i dont really get what he was trying to say about ideology. im not even convinced ideology exists


Well-known member
I suppose I'm basing that on what people show publicly though. Someone who just appears to be varying intensities of liberal might actually lean far right internally when they're angry and just know better than to make that public via something like Twitter.


Well-known member
but what would that even mean? i often read a news story and say kill them all but thats an expression of emotion, frustration, anger, its not ideology or beleif


Well-known member
but what would that even mean? i often read a news story and say kill them all but thats an expression of emotion, frustration, anger, its not ideology or beleif
Yeah, I think what Gus is saying is that you saying "Kill them all!" would fall under a certain ideology, but that ideology would just be a vehicle for your present mood. He's then extending that to all ideology, like the idea that people are only on the left because they're miserable and hate their lives.


Yeah, I think what Gus is saying is that you saying "Kill them all!" would fall under a certain ideology, but that ideology would just be a vehicle for your present mood. He's then extending that to all ideology, like the idea that people are only on the left because they're miserable and hate their lives.
Right the people who say that don't mean "kill them all' but they are trying to express a mood. And similarly with the I Fucking Love Science people etc


I've noticed when I'm in a particularly cynical mood I can end up pulling hard to the left and adopting a position of the entire thing being rotten, rip it all down, or I can end up leaning right in and adopting a save yourself, grab what you can position.

Something like Ellroy's description of Hammett on politics would be me at my most cynical;

"Hammett views politics as crime most cancerous and genteel. It's crime buttressed by unspoken sanction. It's crime facilitated by a callous legal system. It's crime enforced by vicious cops in hobnailed boots. Hammett treats politics-as-crime in deadpan fashion. He assumes that the reader knows this: politics is The Manoeuvre as public spectacle and reverential shuck. That means America was a land grab. That means all political discourse is disingenuous. That means his workmen heroes refuse to soliloquise or indict - they know the game is rigged and they're feeding off scraps of trickle-down graft."

... but when I inevitably mellow a bit, I might drift to the centre somewhat and look more favourbly on small acts of kindness, local activism, small business and so on and feel that the system isn't totally unsalvageable.
Yes exactly you can view institutions as a miracle of coordination or as rotten corrupt things and the facts don't change.


Is the world a fucking disaster or a beautiful amazing miracle

Are we in endtimes or a launching off point

How to we position ourselves in relation, how do we laud or castigate those responsible

The is flows downstream to the ought


Well-known member
I think something as complex and constructed as a political ideology is perhaps impossible to truly adhere to. It's like casting a net over the world and trying to pretend it isn't poking through the holes and stressing, or even tearing, certain sections of it.
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Binary & Tweed
Is the world a fucking disaster or a beautiful amazing miracle

Are we in endtimes or a launching off point

How to we position ourselves in relation, how do we laud or castigate those responsible

The is flows downstream to the ought
These are all ideas, and ideas are artifacts of consciousness. To think beyond consciousness is paradox, impossible, sublime.


Binary & Tweed
If it is expressed through words, as these posts are, it is in the realm of ideas. The scientific method is to be relied upon, but consciousness has yet to really become a scientific subject. A mystery nested within a sprawling, truly fucking sprawling, like 1 cubic micrometer takes 2 years for a team of neuroscientists in the 21st century to map out sprawling.
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