Epstein, Ghislaine, High Royal Highness Airmiles Andy, Trump, Clinton etc


cat malogen
If you think <<this>> is/was rage, have a word with yourself eh lad, you can’t cash these cheques you’re trying to write either so don’t come all billy big bollocks. Oh the fun I could have with you

For the record, I don’t sip opium tea in a stale dressing gown with mushroom waste crusted under my finger nails slowly drifting off into a half-stare at the wall either, but you do fairly regularly. Correct me if I’m wrong

Petite-bourgeois photographer of dinners, need I say more, right for the board’s sake back on ignore for the half wit….


Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
If you think <<this>> is/was rage, have a word with yourself eh lad, you can’t cash these cheques you’re trying to write either so don’t come all billy big bollocks. Oh the fun I could have with you
Lol, and you're a fucking Internet Hard Man to boot, of course. @sufi how do we feel about threats of violence around here?

I've just looked through the last four pages of your shitty fentanyl thread through my fingers, such was the extreme second-hand cringe I felt for you, and I have to say I'm (in a way) impressed that you can still show your face around here after publicly shitting yourself so extravagantly. If it were me I'd probably have ditched my account from the shame. Yet here you are.

You've got something very badly wrong with you.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Here we see noted internet winner WashYourHands threatening to, what, drive halfway across England to beat up someone he had an argument with online? You know, like a normal, well-adjusted person.


Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Pop on lid on it Tea, this is literally your entire personality.
Come the fuck off it. Look at the absolute state of this: https://www.dissensus.com/threads/17385/page-6
and this https://www.dissensus.com/threads/17385/page-7
and this https://www.dissensus.com/threads/17385/page-8

By all means, find an occasion when I made 38 consecutive posts all aimed at one specific person, or threatened to come to their house and beat them up, and I'll accept you have a point.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Making nonsensical "memes" by quoting posts from my blog from six, seven years ago? Repeated threats of violence, references to knowing where I live? Performatively "ignoring" me and then logging out so he can make sure he hasn't missed anything I've said?

Totally normal behaviour that we've all done, right?

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
The Tea / Wash / HMG hate triangle is absolutely delectable.
HMG is a bellend but a harmless one at that. He's never given me the impression that he's the sort who might camp outside someone's house with a telephoto lens trained on their windows and a holdall full of knives and duck tape. Nor has he ever posted anything that looks like it might be shown as evidence one day.


Well-known member

Inspector General Michael Horowitz writes that the “negligence, misconduct, and outright job-performance failures” at the Manhattan jail allowed Epstein the “opportunity” to kill himself in his cell. Not only was he taken off suicide watch too soon after his first attempt to take his own life, he was left alone in his cell for 24 hours after his cellmate was transferred. The report states that one Bureau of Prisons official emailed 70 staffers warning them that leaving Epstein alone was against protocol and dangerous for his health. The report found that three MCC employees violated policy by giving Epstein “an excess amount of” linen and blankets — which he then used to create a makeshift noose.

The report states that the Justice Department “did not uncover evidence” that cast doubt on the FBI’s determination that Epstein had strangled himself from his bunk. The medical examiner who performed the autopsy informed the inspector general that there was no “debris under Epstein’s fingernails, marks on his hands, contusions to his knuckles, or bruises on his body that evidenced Epstein had been in a struggle.” The report also states that Epstein had hemorrhaging and bruising from his neck up, and says that in homicidal strangulation, “these conditions are normally found only in the eyes and mouth, and in a different pattern.”

william kent

Well-known member

The BBC has now uncovered allegations that the fashion mogul exploited young adult men for sex at events he hosted in his New York residences and luxurious hotels around the world, including in London, Paris, Venice, and Marrakesh . . . The eight men who attended the events said they were recruited by a middleman, who they described as having a missing nose covered with a snakeskin patch. The BBC has identified him as James Jacobson.



I love this


I'd love to have been a flie on the wall when they were writing that, they must have been pissing themselves.

When they write it is it supposed to be funny or is just that they can literally getting get away with it? Are there people out there who really, honestly believe that that is true? I think there are... I mean obviously there are those who find it convenient to pretend it's what they think but I guess they are pretending for the benefit of true believers.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
I love this

View attachment 17200

I'd love to have been a flie on the wall when they were writing that, they must have been pissing themselves.

When they write it is it supposed to be funny or is just that they can literally getting get away with it? Are there people out there who really, honestly believe that that is true? I think there are... I mean obviously there are those who find it convenient to pretend it's what they think but I guess they are pretending for the benefit of true believers.
I think the sad truth is that are simply many Americans (and even some non-Americans) who'd gladly eat Trump's shit straight from the source if they thought it would "trigger the libtards."


I think that what is particularly audacious here is the way that before the latest Epstein stories came out and there was speculation about who was going to have been revealed have been doing what, there were quite a few people saying "It won't matter to MAGA cos even if it comes out that Trump had actually built his own mansion on Epstein Island with a landing strip so that Trump Force One could come direct from Mar-A-Lago and there are photos of him naked except for a MAGA cap with devil horns performing a ritual child sacrifice while Ghislaine holds down the victim, they'll just say that he was working under cover or trying to bring down the international paedo ring or something" and while normal people kinda gave a wry smile, it seems that Trump's supporters and team were going "hmmm, yeah that's pretty good actually, if need be we should definitely go with that".

I've noticed one thing that Trump does so often that I reckon that it's gotta be a deliberate tactic - and I have to admit it's pretty smart. Basically it's quite common for him to say two things that are the total opposite of each other so that later he can claim to have been on whichever side of the argument he deems most convenient. So for example on January 6th he says "go to the White House and fight like hell" and he also says "We're the party of law and order don't do anything bad" and that means he can have his cake and eat it, he very clearly told people to go and try and stop the inauguration thingy, but at the same time, if he's ever said to have been responsible for the riots he just quotes the bits about pease and he knows that his followers will back him on that.

Same with Epstein, there are loads of pics of them together and that quote you always see where he says that Epstein is like him cos they both like young women (which you'd have thought was fairly damming to be honest) but there's also this thing going around about how he threw him out of Mar-a-Lago and then banned him at some point - I don't even know If that one is true but with the MAGA selective quoting it's the only thing you ever hear.

I bet you there are loads more things like that if I put my mind to it. The thing that in fact keeps spring to my mind is the Gordo Brown one when he had a nanny who needed a visa and he wrote on the application "no special treatment but do it faster". So sneaky cos he can say that he very explicitly said no special treatment, but at the same time if you see a message like that from the Chancellor or whatever then you are gonna fucking act on it.


Finally, some juicy stuff! It's like they held back all the good stuff and then hit us with it all at once...

Sarah Ransome, an Epstein victim said in an email that Donald Trump had sex with “many girls”. according to the latest unsealed court documents, Jeffrey Epstein kept blackmail videos that showed Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, and Richard Branson having sex with women he supplied them with.

I can't believe that Trump loved his country so much he was actually prepared to have sex with one of Epstein's victims and implicate himself as a rapistpaedophile simply to, er, destroy the paedophile ring and save America (is that right?)