I feel that I should in fact clarify a few things and add a couple of addendums... addenda? Whatever.
Firstly, this woman, her surname was Aylesbury, exactly the same as the town, and whenever I saw an email from "Aylesbury" I knew it would be either a complaint or a threat or something "you're spoiling the look of the flats by hanging the washing out of the window" or "You're three thousand pounds behind in service charge fees and we're going to approach your mortgage lender and do some complicated legal process involving them to get that money which means you'll be at risk of losing your house" etc etc and I just grew to hate the name Aylesbury so much and when I would go and visit my girlfriend who lived in Oxford the bus would always pass this sign on the motorway saying turn off here to Aylesbury and that would bring me out in cold sweats... in fact, it still does.
But what kind of person takes over the committee of a block of flats that she doesn't even live in? I guess she owned the house that her bullying progeny inhabited which gave her a tenuous financial interest, but why on earth should she give a fuck if there is washing hanging out the window when she is in fucking Surrey or wherever she lives? How does she even know? Who is reporting that to her so that she can complain?
And best of all, when I finally fucking moved out... she sent me a friend request on facebook!!!! What's going on there? Did she still want to maintain some kind of presence in my life?
@woops was it you who slept in the lobby that time? I have a feeling that it was either you or Iwan that she pretended she thought were some random "tramps" who had somehow penetrated the outer defences, when she knew full well they were my friends. Basically this was a recurring theme with them pretending to think that anybody they didn't recognise who was within the outer wall was a potential criminal who ought to be gunned down on sight. Another occasion was when a friend who was staying with me got home like ten minutes in front of me and I had given them the door key but they had forgotten the combination to the gate so they couldn't get into the grounds to use the key - luckily Simon (which was the name of her walking pussball of a son) was there on the drive and they said "Excuse me mate, we're guests of Richard in flat 6, you probably saw us leave with him, an hour or so back and we have his key here but unfortunately we don't know the combination, so, would you be so kind as to let us through the gate?" and with utter predictability he said "Oh I'm so sorry, I just can't do that, it's too much of a security risk, I'm sure you understand".
This bit from the thing above when I needed an excuse for kicking down the door I actually simplified for brevity (yes Edmund I know)
In actual fact, I had a friend staying with me who was this weird compulsive liar. He literally had a problem where he just told weird and unnecessary lies all the time. He had come up to visit that day and we had gone on a stupendous drinking session, which was why I was so wankered that I booted the door in instead of remembering that if the electronic key wasn't working, there was a normal key attached to which you could just stick in the keyhole....
Anyhow, while we were out drinking this guy told me that he had a terminal disease and that he would be dead in five or six years. I didn't for one second think that this was true, but it stuck in my head a bit and so when I was trying to explain what had come over me, rather than just saying "I'm a really stupid hooligan who drank far more than he could manage and acted like an absolute bell-end" I thought it would be better to include the fact that I had just, very sadly, discovered that my friend had a terminal illness and would be dead within five years. And I guess it did help, meaning that all I had to do was pay six hundred fucking quid for the door and apologise to a few people and basically it was all forgotten. But the weird irony is, that Mark did die two years ago - admittedly not from early onset Alzheimers as he had predicted but from liver disease due to his chronic alcoholism.