The evolution of emotion


Well-known member
But third is right, you have to be thick as fuck like Craner to misinterpret the thrust of these comments
It reminds me of when K-Punk decided to abolish the family unit, which mysteriously ended as soon as he got married and had a child.
This is core Marxist thinking (third will tell you) all about building a system of care where we raise babies together, full surrogacy. There’s been a lot of talk on Twitter about it in last few weeks after this was posted

I'm all for communes. polyamorous ones. If someone sorts the admin and picks a good enough bunch to kick things off im in for at least a few months


Well-known member
It's obvious that the meaning of love, how it is understood and experienced will change according to social conditions, availability of sex, attitudes to marriage and monogamy etc. It's not a fixed and eternal thing.


Well-known member
Everyone I know in a relationship considers that relationship to be basically accidental, good enough, not some twin flames meant to be thing


Well-known member
And I suppose on the flip side of that the difference between growing up fixated on the one beautiful maiden in the village and flicking through ten million birds on your dating app, and how that overwhelming abundance and 'choice' makes everything seem arbitrary and provisional
A thing i think about wrt the evolution of emotion, and we’ve talked about it on here in conversation about fame, ‘the puppets’, the face etc. is that in terms of expression ourselves, we’ve mostly been in smallish tribes with a community of people we know, but are now exposed to thousands of faces per day. And share our lives with hundreds some times thousands of people daily, getting huge amounts of feedback (or not)

There’s something about velocity too, the real time speed of face to face and facial expression as regulator of social interaction.vs an increasing amount of our social interactions now take place without much face signalling and we have this dissonance *straight face* : LOLOL dying etc


Everyone I know in a relationship considers that relationship to be basically accidental, good enough, not some twin flames meant to be thing

Well you'd have to be a bit special to believe in cosmic soulmates brought together by divine intervention surely

I guess a small minority might
Maybe the reduction in facial theatrics and body language feedback sublimates emotion and brings it back in more extreme online positions. obviously entangled with greater likelihood of misinterpretation, less likelihood of physical repercussion etc
Everyone I know in a relationship considers that relationship to be basically accidental, good enough, not some twin flames meant to be thing

I think I remember @blissblogger or maybe he was quoting someone else saying something like - people become ripe and then pour all that energy onto the least unsuitable candidate.

which i thought was very cynical but great (an obv not true for men like me with options)


Well-known member
Exactly. What love means is she'll do. And I've got used to her. And anything more intense than that is pathologised, rightly or wrongly.
I think I remember @blissblogger or maybe he was quoting someone else saying something like - people become ripe and then pour all that energy onto the least unsuitable candidate.

which i thought was very cynical but great (an obv not true for men like me with options)


And I suppose on the flip side of that the difference between growing up fixated on the one beautiful maiden in the village and flicking through ten million birds on your dating app, and how that overwhelming abundance and 'choice' makes everything seem arbitrary and provisional

I guess this is similar to the way you used to see the country lads turn up in uni cities and just be completely bewildered by weekends on the town surrounded by women, failing with every step

Or like when wools from Warrington etc would turn up and try and graft

In a way the apps have probably helped the country lads out as the initial intro phase can be digital now
But the idea of love as this angelic absolute I think elides what is really at stake here. We are animals, and animals are desiring machines (here desire should not at all just be conflated with sex.) Higher metaphysical purposes are post-hoc, grafted on developments. I'm tbf not sure how high @shiels got when he created this thread, but all I was observing is it's much harder in todays day and age to have those metaphysical foundations. Ignorance of people around you is a kind of bliss, a development negated by the virtualisation of most of social life.
I likt it when he writes this way and sometimes he needs to be poked to do it, defending his honour etc
But the main purpose of the thread was to get under the bonnet of 'we dont have emotions anymore' - lets unpack that guys, we need a deep dive


Ignoring getting your end away for a bit, the desensitisation of personal violence is one i would say is massive

The turn of the century shit like rotten running parallel with the like of jackass was probably the start in a non-digital age but now you have these e.g. London street crime accounts (im sure there are regional equivalents everywhere) or absolutely mental shit turning up in whatsapp videos and it barely even registers now

I have seen more ultraviolence "online" since whatsapp ubiquity than i would have done in the whole of my life before that