
Some people end up stuck in manic ego states, there's a guy on TikTok I follow, he always looks like he's coked up, maybe he is, but I think he's just on a crazy extended manic upswing, where you question nothing. (Amusing, given the schtick is typically "I questioned everything and arrived at truth." But "He doth protest too much"—well, Shakespeare was a social scientist.) And hey having indulged in a couple manic weekends myself, those are always amazingly fun, and then the crash sucks


No one is unaffected by Time To Pretend, don't lie. It's like Abba or Enya or Running Up The Hill. And the lyrics are great
You listen along, you think first, oh it's this straightforward rock fantasy, and then, oh it's actually a parody of a rock fantasy, and then oh it's actually a critique and rejection of a rock fantasy, woah!

And you might think "oh what a sophomoric idea" well these guys were literally sophomores, so appreciate the level of cleverness for what it is, and also, it's a rock band, let's not pretend standards aren't a lil lower, if your melodies and production bang


Another great album vaguely in this territory—Foxygen's We Are The 21st C Ambassadors. You put an album like that on, it's like, "I'm home." You can see the faded 4pm light coming through the North California pines & redwoods that ring the ol backyard. The 70s cars on a gravel driveway. You can hear their doors opening and shutting, people coming in for dinner. Every lyric, every worn-in melody, a perfectly comfortable chair to sit in, an old friend.

line b

Well-known member
I didnt want to do this but I think its time I mention that suspended heard the theme song for Euphoria for the first time at a restaurant while he was here and immediately went to save it on his phone.


It was "Mount Everest," somehow I've lived without every hearing a Labrinth song before. I think anyone's ears would perk up hearing "Mount Everest" for the first time.




Well-known member
So with the microdosing... You take a v. Small amount every day, that is imperceptible when you take it?

So I wanna know, what have the effects been, and how long have you been doing it for?


Well-known member
ive got no idea what sheils is talking about he suffers from mental illness hes probably in a fugue state