
I think the first thing a lot of people think of when they think of Mexico nowadays is the cartels. They're the predominant feature in the media. There seems to be a concerted effort to present the place as a more or less constant bloodbath.
Strange how quickly that has happened, I went there twenty years ago and it wasn't the dominant narrative in the same way. Hitchhiked in Ouhaka (that's not how you spell it) and I'm not sure I would try that now.


yeah I think so. I mean before I went there I'd only heard about it because people talk about it in relation to cartels. My understanding when I was there is that essentially there and in a lot of northern mexico some places are basically run by the cartels, who control the police and so on. Not many visible signs of that, but of course such things would be illegible to a foreigner. although that place did have quite murdery vibes.

That's definitely what they said about Juarez in Sicario.


Well-known member
Pretty much. Used to it now though sadly. UK seems cruelly expensive

article in today's Times about Americans who've moved to Europe for better quality of life and cost of living. one couple moved to Lisbon, talking abut how great it is, but also that people like them are driving up rents and home prices.



article in today's Times about Americans who've moved to Europe for better quality of life and cost of living. one couple moved to Lisbon, talking abut how great it is, but also that people like them are driving up rents and home prices.

Fuckers! I probably know them...


Well-known member
article in today's Times about Americans who've moved to Europe for better quality of life and cost of living. one couple moved to Lisbon, talking abut how great it is, but also that people like them are driving up rents and home prices.

they had the same article in another paper a year or two ago
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Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
I'm imagining a Guardian article about the scandal of Brits who've been living in Portugal for a few years being priced out by American ex-pats who've just started turning up there.


Void Dweller
They're always the worst, the Australian tourists. I noticed this in Europe. I've met some incredibly nice, sweet, smart Australians but the ones who stay in travel hostels are the lowest order of civilization. I would happily spearhead a eugenics program if we could weed them out of the gene pool. Maybe we offer them hostel deals in exchange for a little snippy snippy.
would you say you're praying for a cashed up bogan genocide?


Well-known member
It might just be sabre rattling and red meat for the base, but there seem to be rumblings within the GOP concerning military intervention.