
cat malogen
Did a search and while there’s a smattering of posts it surely deserves its own inquiry and questioning


Is it gnostic genius or “just boring landscapey vistas and murder gore” as an acquaintance once said, is Judge Holden a rogue Nonce Hotelier supreme deity, is the tone and detail comparable to other texts, does it contain an ending of endings, is it better in French or Italian translation, is it better to remain unadapted for screen, does it punch you in the guts


line b

Well-known member
I read about gnosticsim a bit right after finishing it and in hindsight it did seem to work very well as a parable, but of course thats not at all what I was thinking when I was actually reading the novel. I loved the prose and its paced extremely well

line b

Well-known member
I also read cities of the plain in college and liked it a bit too. But one does wonder if hes not just a slightly more litterary pulp author masquerading as high art. He reminds me of Delillo in that way but Delillo seems to get a pass because his books have more 'ideas,' at least in sheer numbers


cat malogen
Luka is intimidated by Judge Holden, picturing his looming shadowed figure in dreams approaching one day for a poem

“Hello Judge, my my you are fuckin massive, a poem? What would you like it to be about?”

- “Errm, flowers? I met a girl, she’s changed my life, my perspective, predilections for violence, pederasty, being a bit too cunty all the time, pottery notes are more focused, I let personal slights and jokes slide, everything”

“Bit fedora, Judge“

- ”Look, before you were war waited for you, the ultimate trade awaiting its ultimate practitioner”

”Add teenage, Judge”

- ”.......war Luka, we’re bounded by conflict, violence as regeneration, ok, and fate too in pulpy biblical tones”

”Fair enough, call it 50£?”

- §§§=gun(¥)shot=§§§


is not like other people
i recently read all the pretty horses and enjoyed it (1) on its own terms and (2) because it was so different from the novel that is the topic of this thread


bandz ahoy
one does wonder if hes not just a slightly more litterary pulp author masquerading as high art. He reminds me of Delillo in that way but Delillo seems to get a pass because his books have more 'ideas,' at least in sheer numbers
This interests me - how do you tell the difference? Is it the plots that are pulpy? Or the giant albino pontificating about war?

There's certainly something retrograde in his faux Biblical style.

I loved Blood Meridian when I read it, being a fan (or an addict) of both High Style and ultraviolence. But I've no memories of it now, like every novel I've ever read really.

line b

Well-known member
This interests me - how do you tell the difference? Is it the plots that are pulpy? Or the giant albino pontificating about war?

There's certainly something retrograde in his faux Biblical style.

I loved Blood Meridian when I read it, being a fan (or an addict) of both High Style and ultraviolence. But I've no memories of it now, like every novel I've ever read really.
I guess with McCarthy theres a suspicion that theres not much below the style and mood? for the record I loved both of the McCarthy's I read, just exploring Luka's side here.

padraig (u.s.)

a monkey that will go ape
Did a search and while there’s a smattering of posts it surely deserves its own inquiry and questioning


Is it gnostic genius or “just boring landscapey vistas and murder gore” as an acquaintance once said, is Judge Holden a rogue Nonce Hotelier supreme deity, is the tone and detail comparable to other texts, does it contain an ending of endings, is it better in French or Italian translation, is it better to remain unadapted for screen, does it punch you in the guts

both, neither, all

one of very, very, very few books I've ever read where entire passages stick with me and I think will until I die

padraig (u.s.)

a monkey that will go ape
I saw The Lighthouse in a theater and the person I went with gave the following review: "it was boring but also a lot happened"

I loved it, as I have every Robert Eggers film, but I also didn't disagree with that review

Blood Meridian is I think in a similar space

padraig (u.s.)

a monkey that will go ape
btw luka disliking McCarthy is the most boring and predictable take of all time

he is the ne plus ultra of anti-snob snobbery in all things art, except poetry where his tastes are exactly the opposite (high art modernism etc)


bandz ahoy
Impossible for me to comment on that because I can't remember Blood Meridian now. It certainly makes grand gestures towards philosophy via the Judge's monologues about war, etc.

I do think he could be accused of pretentiousness, in Blood Meridian, at least, but he writes in that style so brilliantly -- sometimes though giving way to hammy excess. (A comparison with Conrad's "Heart of Darkness" might be drawn here.)

Another charge that could be laid is that of humourlessness and wilful pessimism, which might seem besides the point in a book about genocide, but if the goal of literature is to somehow encapsulate life (a big question) then Blood Meridian - at least as far as I remember it - gives a very narrow perspective on life. "The horror, the horror!" without a sense of what the horror lays waste to.

Fwiw, Harold Bloom, who whether or not you like him is certainly a proponent of "high culture", absolutely loved Blood Meridian. (And you can see why, given the way he wrote himself.)