
bandz ahoy
Darn it stops on here cos of an age restricted video.

Look up "important videos" playlist if you want the full thing.


Cat Malogen
Worked with an ex National Action idiot who was obsessed with O9A and eventually got too deep on combination compounds, duty of care being what it is it didn’t make it less grating

The single actual laugh was here on Yt, as David Myatt finally snaps and unravels in a Shropshire pub, offering Nick Lowles from HNH out in a deadly dual involving honour, guns and/or/maybe knives (2-3 minutes out of the entire spiel)



David Myatt finally snaps and unravels in a Shropshire pub, offering Nick Lowles from HNH out in a deadly dual

He was notorious for doing that. Apparently used to carry around a duelling glove to slap people in the face.

If you want to troll O9A with minimal effort, just ask "How do you play The Star Game?"


bandz ahoy
Okay didn't understand that for quite a bit but the duel bit is funny nonetheless. It's particularly funny hearing the fruit machine in the background.

I've never heard of this guy or the O9A.

Was going to tentatively suggest he's a paedo and then found this on the group's Wiki:

"Many O9A members openly view rape as an effective way to undermine society by transgressing against its norms. White Star Acception commits rapes by their own admission and O9A texts such as "The Dreccian Way", "Iron Gates", "Bluebird" and "The Rape Anthology" recommend and praise rape and pedophilia, even suggesting rape is necessary for "ascension of the Ubermensch".[125][182] According to the BBC News, "the authorities are concerned by the number of paedophiles associated with the ONA".[4] Children at least as young as 13 have been groomed by the group.[137]"

So perhaps he wouldn't he even deny it or be ashamed of it.


bandz ahoy
Rally drivers playing Dirt Rally (I tried getting good at this game for a week or so, fucking impossible)



So perhaps he wouldn't he even deny it or be ashamed of it.
He’d probably challenge you to a duel.

He’s a weird fucker: trained to be a monk but caused a brief media shitstorm in Leeds in the ‘70s after forming a pro-Hitler student group and getting jailed for race attacks. Founded the ONA and co-founded Combat 18 – one of the biggest mysteries is how this fey oddball managed to make such an impression on hardcore Chelsea thugs. Then 9/11 happened so he did a Muslimgauze, and it was all jihadis vs ZOG thereon in. Then his partner died and he wrote some eBook denouncing his past, and nobody’s heard much from him since.

The funniest O9A thing was the White Star Acception 352 debacle in the late 2000s, when four or five UK neo-nazi satanists were enraged to find out that the WSA352 site was actually being run by a morbidly obese Latina schoolgirl in the US, just being a typical gothy edgelord(edgelady?) Cue a massive online war about ‘muh nexion’ and who’d really read Myatt’s ‘Star Game’ instructions. Presumably it's mostly MI6 now, since they caught the member who stabbed those two girls to death in Wembley.


bandz ahoy
Interesting how some people cleave to extreme mindsets whatever the mindset is.

There was a documentary on the Four Lions DVD about radical islamists, including a white guy (similar to the one in the film) who'd made a natural transition from being a skinhead to a jihadi.