
is not like other people
One of the most popular pieces of art over the past decade has been mirror-based, kasuma's infinity rooms. The popularity is partly insta-driven and partly coz they've managed to create the impression of scarcity around them (eg its impossible to get into the tate modern one without reserving months in advance). but also because infinitely reflecting mirrors are quite an amazing thing to see, if possibly not particularly profound. the first time I saw one exhausted after walking around LA all day really left an impression.
yeah i was gutted i couldn't get into this show


Well-known member
yeah i was gutted i couldn't get into this show
its weird. the one in LA you can make a booking for two hours later. or at least you could in 2019. the one in copenhagen you just walked in. that tate one is impossible. maybe coz its temporary and the others are permanent


Well-known member
the zoom mirror as well. every day turning the camera on before a meeting and checking what you look like. several times a day even. catching sight of yourself in conference room cameras, projected up onto the screen. hours and hours of yourself recorded in meetings. this has only happened over the last few years. I'm so familiar with what I look like in profile now.


is not like other people



Well-known member
In a more general sense we may say that the mirror is a symbolic object which not
only reflects the characteristics of the individual but also echoes in its expansion
the historical expansion of individual consciousness. It thus carries the stamp of
approval of an entire social order: it is no coincidence that the century of Louis XIV
is epitomized by the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles,

Baudrillard, The System of Objects


Well-known member
i've also had the on shrooms looking into the mirror experience, it was quite an amazing thing, totally by accident at my mates house, i was able to see myself in the mirror as a third object, see my reflection and myself as a separate person. i've managed to access it every now and then in the years since sometimes sober, sometimes smoking weed. it was good though.