
That Flintstones one is like O Superman, a tv classic reimagined as space age avant-lounge pop - who would come up with that? Mind officially blown!


Well-known member
I think he was more shocked to discover he looks like Indiana Jones - you missed off the best bit when he lists other whiteys who can sing like they're black; Eminem, Michael Jackson... think he might have another shock coming at some point.

To be honest I was always aware of that song, it's one of those ones that's just there, you can't say when or how you heard it but you've always known it and so has everyone else (I'd like to do a thread about those songs but I can't quite figure out the line of attack) - but I never really listened to it properly until Rashad sampled it.
he wasn't listing white people who sing like they're black, he was listing white people who do something culturally black well, placed on earth by god to keep black people humble (as he put it). that's why he noted "the professor from and1 mixtape" lol


he wasn't listing white people who sing like they're black, he was listing white people who do something culturally black well, placed on earth by god to keep black people humble (as he put it). that's why he noted "the professor from and1 mixtape" lol

Sure, I stand corrected there... but to me the salient point is that Michael Jackson is one of those white people who keeps black people humble. Which particular culturally black thing he does as well as a black person seemed to be of secondary importance. To me anyhow.


Well-known member
I saw a really amazing installation in Dallas which was basically this. Eight videos projected along the walls, each one a different person or group playing a different instrument. It was outrageously good, beautiful, took you out of yourself. No idea what it was called or who made it. The best ones were a drummer sitting silently and a party of people outside a barn. I spent about half an hour looking at it


Yesterday I read about the death of Ari Boulogne also known as Ari Paffgen, the guy immortalized in Songs They Don't Play On The Radio as Le Kid.

The news report I read was badly translated and, I strongly suspect, badly written in the first place. The story was weak on details and unclear but from what I could make out the end of his life was as weird and tragic as the rest of it.

It seems that as the time of his death he was hemiplegic (anyone know why?) and living with a partner who either just left him to die or else possibly just left his dead body to sit in the living room and decompose, or perhaps both - this is what I mean about it being vague.

But what does seem to be clear is that his body was found in an advanced state of decay and the partner has been arrested for one of the above crimes.

It somehow feels that with one of the world's most famous junkies as his mother and a father who has constantly refused to acknowledge him despite lawsuits, the latest in 2019, things were never gonna end well but this feels even worse than I expected, just horribly dark and sad. I'm not someone who tends to shed a tear for people I don't know but this whole story is so tragic in so many different ways that it affects me more than most.

What a brutally sordid sequence of events, although I guess Alan Delon is happy. The cunt.


Cat Malogen
Can you tell what is it yet, oooh-ah binga bonga bing-bong, wobble-board strange goatee sounds dance

Something about the beard and his constant chirpy mood, working in kids telly during a hellscape of pedo infiltration, Rolf Harris the nonce is dead. Savile operated openly, Rolf had a fluffier veneer - painting

Every little art club at school would show his programs on a beaten video player, so it was a quality skive and certain staff didn’t need an excuse to loaf off. Looking back, didn’t get overt noncey vibes from his presence because there were worse affiliated to the catholic church you actually had to dodge even after refusing to go by mass by 11-12

Wasn’t a complete surprise, that forced jovial conviviality, grim as fuck


Well-known member
Yesterday I read about the death of Ari Boulogne also known as Ari Paffgen, the guy immortalized in Songs They Don't Play On The Radio as Le Kid.

The news report I read was badly translated and, I strongly suspect, badly written in the first place. The story was weak on details and unclear but from what I could make out the end of his life was as weird and tragic as the rest of it.

It seems that as the time of his death he was hemiplegic (anyone know why?) and living with a partner who either just left him to die or else possibly just left his dead body to sit in the living room and decompose, or perhaps both - this is what I mean about it being vague.

But what does seem to be clear is that his body was found in an advanced state of decay and the partner has been arrested for one of the above crimes.

It somehow feels that with one of the world's most famous junkies as his mother and a father who has constantly refused to acknowledge him despite lawsuits, the latest in 2019, things were never gonna end well but this feels even worse than I expected, just horribly dark and sad. I'm not someone who tends to shed a tear for people I don't know but this whole story is so tragic in so many different ways that it affects me more than most.

What a brutally sordid sequence of events, although I guess Alan Delon is happy. The cunt.


Well-known member
in the 70s and 80s if you were an adult you were a nonce. a mistake to judge them by the standards of our times i guess.


Mourning for abstract famous people's death is bluepilled and weak
I agree that there is a lot of performative and pointless reaction to the death of celebrities, but that in no way means that we should not mark the passing of people that we deem significant.

Some deaths should be recorded simply for history and to inform our fellows; some people's expiration may have repercussions in their scene or elsewhere and those things are surely open to discussion as with any other cultural event; and there are some people whose death would make us truly sad, and if/when that occurs there is no shame in admitting it.

But let's not forget, what is for me, the most important category, that which we should perhaps call The JRM Category ie people whose death - especially if it comes after a period of suffering in horrible, unimaginable agony - will fill our hearts to overflowing with pure, unadulterated happiness, reminding us that things are not all bad, and drawing us together in joyous mutual celebration.

So, no way should this thread be deleted, I require a safe space where I can come and take gleeful pleasure if Don Trump JR's nose falls off and he is left teetering comedically on the brink of death.

Edit: that said, I do not like the phrase "Rest In Power" - I'm sure that it meant something once and there are probably some who can say it genuinely, but nine times out of ten when I hear it, it feels like someone has appropriated it and then chosen that phrase to make themselves seem more in the know and cool than other mourners who are still stuck with the hopelessly unhip "Rest In Peace" and thus unable to profit from the cool points available to them at the funeral.


Can you tell what is it yet, oooh-ah binga bonga bing-bong, wobble-board strange goatee sounds dance

Something about the beard and his constant chirpy mood, working in kids telly during a hellscape of pedo infiltration, Rolf Harris the nonce is dead. Savile operated openly, Rolf had a fluffier veneer - painting

Every little art club at school would show his programs on a beaten video player, so it was a quality skive and certain staff didn’t need an excuse to loaf off. Looking back, didn’t get overt noncey vibes from his presence because there were worse affiliated to the catholic church you actually had to dodge even after refusing to go by mass by 11-12

Wasn’t a complete surprise, that forced jovial conviviality, grim as fuck
I read this on fb (I think they were quoting from somewhere else)

'It was reported in 2018 how the then-88-year-old invited 70 guests over to his house to celebrate his first birthday following his release from prison.

The Sun reported that during the party he performed Two Little Boys with the help of a backing band, with a source telling the paper: 'It was a very jovial night with lots of singing, dancing and joking.

Who the fuck would go to that? You have to think that if the police took a couple of paddy wagons to the house and simply rounded up everyone coming out, cracked a few skulls and then delivered them to the nonce wing of whichever HMP happened to be nearest, then they wouldn't be going too far wrong.


is not like other people
the phrase "Rest In Power"

it sounds so uncomfortable, id like a break please


the phrase "Rest In Power"

it sounds so uncomfortable, id like a break please

Yeah exactly, I didn't realise but maybe that's why it made me feel uncomfortable, it's like you're not even resting. When you rest something you turn the power off, if the power is on it's not resting. You can rest or have power but not both.


is not like other people
Yeah exactly, I didn't realise but maybe that's why it made me feel uncomfortable, it's like you're not even resting. When you rest something you turn the power off, if the power is on it's not resting. You can rest or have power but not both.
full on rest


I'm fucking resting as hard as I can, noone can rest like I can. I will challenge anyone to do such a full-on rest, none of you will be able to handle the pace.