Good Tom hanks films


Well-known member
Watched total recall last night. Brilliant film. Gonna watch sideways tonight, vin a matter of minutes in fact


Well-known member
I've never seen that.

Watched sideways last night and really enjoyed it. No Tom hanks but it's a good buddy movie. Might get hold of the book.


Well-known member
Turner and hooch suddenly came to mind but I always preferred k9 with Jim belushi. There's a reference to Celine in it.


Well-known member
He’s a weird actor. I can’t put my finger on it, but everything about him is weird. He’s not really ‘bad’ or ‘good’ at acting. he’s a completely neutral presence in every film he’s in yet somehow still affecting?


Well-known member
Tom Hanks? Or Jim belushi? Should have done a Jim belushi thread cos he's a lot better.


Jim belushi looks a bit like Russell crowe or Oliver Stone. And they both are not a million miles from Tom hanks.
