Stats, please
Not that there aren't some major wrinkles in the stats, like the UK vax rollouts starting after infections were going down anyway
Five deaths where the vaccine was suspected to be the underlying cause:
So that's a death rate of under 1 in 10 million.
OTOH, there was a period that went on for months and months and months in which you brave refuseniks were dying in your droves and we vaxxed-up sheeple had excess death rates literally an order of magnitude lower, thereby saving many tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of lives. I'd call that a pretty good pay-off.
A large-scale study says vaccines saved 1.4 million people in Europe:
The report includes country specific data showing that nations that implemented early vaccination programmes covering large parts of their population, such as Belgium, Denmark, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Malta, the Netherlands, and the UK, saw the greatest benefit in the overall number of lives saved through vaccination.
Vaccination against covid-19 has reduced deaths in Europe by at least 57% and saved at least 1.4 million lives, the World Health Organization has estimated. A preprint study by researchers from WHO/Europe reports that the known death toll from covid of 2.5 million in the WHO European Region...
I suspect that, deep in your rotten, reactionary, contrarian little heart, you know this to be true, but simply can't bear to admit that the vaccination programme was a massive success for big science, big pharma and big government. "Cope harder", as the kiddies say.
I think this is actually the real, final straw and I'm going to put you on ignore now, because you're just saying the same thing over and over and over again, and even I am getting thoroughly bored of it.