I will definitely wear pink if it looks good, why not? But I don't think of it as like a challenging colour - surely everyone on here knows that historically (up to Victorian times I believe) boys wore red and pink, the colours of war and blood, and girls wore soft soppy blue the colour of Chelsea. That's to say there are no fundamentally boy or girl colours... then again I never knew there was a gay way to say goodmorning so....
Actually though when I used to play 5-a-side in Finsbury Park, at first we just had bins, but when we'd been around long enough to justify a kit, I picked a pink one and there was some pushback in fact....
But I'm less interested in the colour stuff (I know I started it but I'm just thinking this now) cos we've heard it before, I would like to hear the really bonkers stuff like "Real men write in capitals the entire time because real men are demented and always really angry, shouting for no reason whatsoever"