
Well-known member
"A (hopefully) joke position paper by a fictitious Maoist cell in Florida advocating the start of a protracted people's war in the Florida everglades. Reproduced for archival purposes."

' ... the first task of a people’s army is to make its presence known to the masses. Our Everglades focos would accomplish this by planting red flags all over the wetlands, clearly marking the area as their territory. They could also install loudspeakers at strategic locations and blast propaganda that could be heard for miles. Modern renditions of songs from the Cultural Revolution could be played on the loudspeakers 24/7, which would do a great deal to raise class consciousness. Titles could include “Without the Communist Party, There Would Be No New Florida” and “The East Coast is Red.”'


'While we are in hiding in the wetlands, our focos could maintain their dedication to serving the people by killing off invasive pests in the region, particularly pythons. This brave campaign would win our army a great deal of public adoration, and by selling the python skins we could raise substantial funds for the war effort.'


'It should not be difficult for our army to mobilize Miami residents. Many of them are people of color who are already familiar with Communism.'


Well-known member
its great but i got bored about a third of the way through and had to switch it off. good looking bunch though.


Beast of Burden
I also watched 'Band a part' for the first time and was relieved to see that it was as bad as I always said it was.