reels AKA the shittorrent


Well-known member
is anyone else dealing with this at the moment? obviously i'm not on tiktok but i do have a facebook and i have an insta. they've changed things up over the last i don't know six months or whatever and now without really trying every time i go on them they push shortform video at me. its all algo-d up like tiktok so i've lost manual control over what comes up and the result is a shittorrent. the weird thing is i can already feel some of the common themes affecting my day to day thoughts, they're properly in there. most straightforward thing is to delete insta but i end up downloading it every time i need to know set/stage times for anything that i go to coz that's the only place that they're posted. the stuff that comes up on my algos is relentlessly relentlessly shit, every now and then there's something which is a bit funny, but it's never that funny and it's one in a million.



Well-known member
its ruined instagram really. i try and avoid watching it. even youtube tries to do it a bit. moan moan moan.


Well-known member
i guess so shaka. i mean, the energy is generally where there seems to be a route to attention and exposure and those platforms are huge and open access.


Well-known member
I don't necessarily think its the "dominant art-form" in so much that it's just the social media du jour but i guess that is just splitting hairs. It only seems dominant because you've allowed yourself to be sucked into the rhythm so it dominates your mental space. Portrait video is probably the dominant media format of the 2020s so far, though, so i can see the argument

What i think is surprising is just how little money is in it all, considering the effort all these scruffs are putting into it

There was an article on influencer families fucking up their kids the other week that said something like 3.4 million tiktok views was only worth 1500 quid. I mean, that is fuck all considering how deeply some people are putting their lives out there.

Great if you're one of those minecraft robot voice editors i guess but for your real face? Whats the fucking point. Just get a job


Well-known member
Sorry, figures were a bit off. But that money is not worth it.

When she made a TikTok comparing two of her daughters, the younger felt embarrassed because Merritt called her the “weird kid at school” in contrast to her older sister, who was labeled “popular” and “bubbly.” But Merritt says they decided not to take the video down because it was doing well and making money through TikTok’s monetization program, which pays creators for qualified views. The video is now pinned to the top of her page, with 2.3 million views and counting, netting $1,100 as of late February. As a form of reparation, she decided to split the profit from the video between her two daughters, with the stipulation that they use the money for the bedroom makeovers they’ve been wanting.



bandz ahoy
I guess the money you make off the tiktoks is one thing and the money you might make from other shit you get because you're (however fleetingly) famous is another. But I really am guessing as I have no idea.

Also, another wild stab in the dark, but I'd assume for da kidz hitting it big on tiktok isn't just about money, it's about the plaudits and the dopamine rush of getting a million likes and a quadrillion 😂s.

And yes I've noticed this on instagram and twitter and it's both incredibly annoying and depressing and totally addictive and expertly targeted at what exactly I will find either funny/delightful or irritating.


bandz ahoy
I wonder if dissensus has become more addictive since we got smileys involved?

I think I was massively addicted to it before that anyway.

We all want to be groomed and to groom, being apes. But then others want to argue and hurt (and be hurt?)

Some sort of emotional stimulation, any sort, to stave off the tedium of mostly unoccupied lives


cat malogen
Thought for an awful moment utorrent had been nuked but fortunately I’ve already pirated too many films to watch in this lifetime, so keep calm and carry on lads

kid charlemagne

Well-known member
i pride myself on saying that i dont use tiktok, and never have, but i still get sucked into the ig reels. hate how they fuck up my focus and my attention span some days. theres some funny stuff, but i wish i could eliminate seeing them