Substacks you don't hate


Only this one so far, and they dumped substack cos it reeks of fascist
(and he's bunking off for the summer hiking the blue ridge trail :( )


o yeah there's
as well, which is pretty good, sadly :(


Well-known member

drugs and history

I particularly like him because he upset the Gregory Bateson fan boys, causing them to leave bad reviews of his "tripping on Utopia" book on amazon

Not so cool to see: the emergence of a small but coordinated “review bombing” campaign directed at Tripping on Utopia’s Amazon and Goodreads pages by members of an organization called the Bateson Idea Group. The people writing the reviews, few of whom appear to have actually read the book, have evidently decided that I’m intent on sullying the good name of one of the figures featured in it, the anthropologist Gregory Bateson.


bandz ahoy
I think it's because we spend most of our time on screens bouncing from tab to tab, site to site, etc.

We're not in the same focused mode we might be opening a book...

Also of course the text on a screen is often a bit too small to read, or too big, or too split up (on a phone)

I have been corrupted by this, though, and I'm sometimes surprised at how long paragraphs 'can be' when I'm reading a novel


Beast of Burden
I have been corrupted by this, though, and I'm sometimes surprised at how long paragraphs 'can be' when I'm reading a novel

Me too. But it's infecting books too.

Anything over two sentences seems to be frowned upon by copy and subeditors.

People like YOU.


Beast of Burden
Pick up a novel by, say, Ali Smith.

No disrespect, but you look at it and think, surely this couldn't have taken more than about a month to write?

vershy versh

Well-known member
I think it's because we spend most of our time on screens bouncing from tab to tab, site to site, etc.

We're not in the same focused mode we might be opening a book...

I find it varies. I've read books in a single sitting on my desktop, and sometimes can't be bothered reading more than a chapter of an actual one. Definitely prefer a physical copy though. It's exhausting reading anything that long on a computer, I just get locked in sometimes and decide to keep going 'til I finish it.

Sometimes I'll read a long article and not realise it's the equivalent of reading 60 pages of a book. Something about the endless scrolling warps your sense of it, feels like it goes on forever, but for some reason doesn't feel like you've done the equivalent of reading a huge chunk of a book. You just stop thinking about pages like that.