kid charlemagne

Well-known member
  • Immediately terminate Henry Israeli,who, despite his position at a professor of Literature of Genocide and the Director of Jewish Studies who utilized Drexel resources, technology, and administrative and departmental resources to:
    • Deny any and all genocides perpetrated against the people of Palestine by the zionist entity, spreading ahistorical rhetoric on Palestinian resistance groups, and outright denying the existence of the apartheid system under which Palestinians livedespite extensive evidence and a multitude of organizations including, but not limited to, the International Court of Justice (ICJ), Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, etc. who recognize it as such.*

    • Coordinate with Drexel Chabad to bring an ex-IOF soldier onto campus during their 'October 7' Tour.* We firmly reject the presence of any member of a military force with such extensively documented and horrific war crimes and human rights violations at Drexel.
this is pasted directly from the encmaptemnts list of demands.

kid charlemagne

Well-known member


Morri Creech
I am tired of having a name.Every time I wakeit grinds its teethlike the gears of a moving van,and it smells of soot,like the sweat of being a man,and it weighs like a stoneI carry for no one's sake.In the courthouse it echoesdown the long corridors,and it creaks in the bedspringsof cheap rooms, and it croons in bars;it whistles up to the gapsbetween the starsand down to the truck stopbathroom's piss-stained floors.I have betrayed it to the darkwhen there was no one to blameand whispered it seductivelyinto the ear of danger.But I am tired, and I wantto be done with it for good.I will give it up. I will answerto nothing. I will bea stranger. I will put on the silencelike an executioner's hood.Here it is, poor necksquirming on the block: my name.

kid charlemagne

Well-known member
update: my school is going back to in person classes, but my poetry teacher is keeping classes online for "safety concerns".... is he ducking the smoke?
  • Wow
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kid charlemagne

Well-known member
sylvia plath tlak in class today. i have stil not done the analysis. will have to cram tonight. bored. reading dylan lyrics at my laptop instead of pay attention


By saying the name Israel they are complicit in genocide and should leave campus immediately. Demand it, @kid charlemagne , demand it! This is your chance to take the upper hand morally and become king of campus.