Opening lines


A writer has only one job: to keep the reader reading. And if his first sentence fails then the reader won't even get to see the second sentence. The first sentence, just like the first handshake is the most important. Is it a firm sentence, exuding confidence and professionalism? Or is it a limp sentence, shy and sorry for itself? Here, we discuss the world's best first sentences, the opening lines that get the reader hook, line, and sinker.

I start with poetry. Now poetry is about the best words in the best order but many poets leave their very best words to last, leaving readers reaching for their remote control. Here are my 5 favourite opening lines of this year:

The world is not a carnival of parts - All Together by Andrew Wynn Owen
The infinite is intricate, a vine - Vine by Andrew Wynn Owen
Always hide and seeking, aren't you, God? - Unrelatable by Andrew Wynn Owen
The words of love strike hard when they are soft - Finding Words by Andrew Wynn Owen
I wasn't quite persuaded by the chair - The Chair by Andrew Wynn Owen

Which are your favourite opening lines?


"Indeed, it's an undeniable reality, a fact widely recognized and indisputably established in every corner of the world, permeating every society and culture, transcending all borders and boundaries, and going beyond the dictates of time and space, a truth universally accepted and acknowledged, so absolute and unequivocal, that it has seeped into the collective consciousness of mankind, becoming an irrevocable and indelible part of our shared knowledge, wisdom, and understanding.

This undisputed truth concerns itself with a particular sort of individual, a man in the singular state, one who stands alone without the companionship, partnership, and shared commitment often provided by the blessed institution of matrimony. This man is not just any man, but rather a man with a unique qualification, a man possessing something of significant value and desirability, something that has the power to influence, change, and shape destinies, an asset both tangible and consequential – a good fortune, a wealth of resources, an accumulation of worldly assets and material riches that can pave the way for a life of comfort, luxury, and ease.

This universally acknowledged truth, this wide and common understanding, then pronounces, quite emphatically and without room for misinterpretation or doubt, that this man, this single man, the one who is fortunate enough to be in possession of a substantial fortune, is undoubtedly, surely, and absolutely in a state of wanting, longing, and desiring, in a state of needing and seeking.

And what, you may ask, is the object of this need and desire, this longing and seeking, this wanting that's presumed to dwell within this wealthy single man? It's not something material or tangible, not an object or an asset, not a commodity or a luxury, but something far more profound and significant, something integral to human life and happiness. It's the companionship, companionship offered by another human being, a person who can share his life, his joys and sorrows, his triumphs and failures, a partner in the truest sense of the word. It is nothing less than a wife that he supposedly craves, yearns for, and desires."


Well-known member
one of the best ones i know of, this

Perfidious Cornetto lapped upon the Terminal Beach
about us the impossible towers of steel and mirrored glass,
the mirage of the future we occupy. Seagulls
pockmark the air with hilarity and contempt.


Well-known member
really like this one

Amorous marble. Redeem voucher.
Enter incarnate maelstrom. The torque
of cyclonic matter.