how americans talk


Well-known member
"shit or get off the pot"

"howdy lil' lady"

seems like you're referring more to southern or southwestern although there are some of us that don't ever say stuff like that even if one of my friends does
"sweatin' like a hooker in church"
"don't piss on my leg and tell me it’s raining"


Well-known member
anyone that's not from the andy griffith show, or the 1950s, or older than the age of 10 that says gee whizz or shucks, they need to be put down


Well-known member
Darn tootin
actually even if a little kid talks like that anymore, I'll probably assume they are mormon
like some mormon kid that said he couldn't hang out with me anymore because I said 'bull'
altho there is a good friend of mine that says darn tootin, but I can't tell if he's being serious or not... he also has quite a thick southern accent which makes me wonder even more


Well-known member
"a pig in a poke" - my mom has unfortunately revived that recently like she went and revisited the "hollers" where her family is from
"lipstick on a pig"