how americans talk


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Desperate Dan is a wild west character in the now-defunct Scottish comic magazine The Dandy. He made his appearance in the first issue which was dated 4 December 1937 and became the magazine's mascot. He is apparently the world's strongest man, able to lift a cow with one hand. The pillow of his (reinforced) bed is filled with building rubble and his beard is so tough he shaves with a blowtorch.


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We be out here! [0]

They be shooting! [1]

edit: [0] this is a phrase that forms part of the continuous soundtrack to 'bike life' or 'ride out' videos
edit: [1] this is rarely heard on 'bike life' or 'ride out' videos, but I have heard it on them when it all "gets on top"
edit: I gave up on Infinite Jest and threw it on the Pynchon pile when the EBONICS commenced, I hope no one mistakes me for David Foster Wallace, lol