recent SNL bit about Greenville, South Carolina

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
I told my now (ex) wife (west coast native american) about some of my high school experiences including throwing parties when your parents are out of town and she said it sounded like I grew up in a John Hughes film.
I mean, kinda... but also not really - John Hughes films don't have a lot of black people.
You mean actually Native American, as such?


Cat Malogen
Marching bands reminds me of bowler hats on July 12th

People here view anything distinctly American as inauthentic because it’s not their personal lived experience - just add degrees of geographical separation dissolved by the internet. Eg we used to have these slightly surreal (see, I’m guilty of it too) American-esque marching bands for girls where the main instrument was the kazoo. My Mum went nuts when my sister tried to join one, as an example, usual “staffed by nonces” spiel. The sound of 50 kazoos all going full honk on Armistice Day is devastating to the British psyche, despite our archaic relationships with war carnyxes

We find it hard embracing quaint habits of foreigners, despite the fact we’re the ultimate magpies of appropriation - no other nation in Europe has embraced the baseball cap quite like the British another example


Well-known member
Eg we used to have these slightly surreal (see, I’m guilty of it too) American-esque marching bands for girls where the main instrument was the kazoo.

OMG that reminds me of the couple of times when, I guess because it was raining too hard and there was worry of the rain harming the instruments or something (?), the band teacher had us use kazoos instead when were in the bleachers at a football game or backing up some political figure running for office.
Why, though? Just why?!
I'm sure nothing would have been better than that horrible noise!

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
@0bleak I hope you don't mind me saying so, but every time I read "NVLD" my brain scans it as "NKVD" and makes me think of you being persecuted by Stalin's secret police.


Well-known member
That actually sounds about right!
Imagine constantly receiving negative feedback for everything you ever attempt to do. It does your head in!

by the way, I literally just learned (as of in the last few minutes) that my theme song started out as a cover of Pretty Vacant!
I know it's about being gay (honestly didn't pick up on that until years later though - they didn't play the video over here), but I would always literally freeze in my tracks and become overwhelmed with emotion.


Well-known member
yes, as in her people have a rez in arizona near the grand canyon where they now make some of their money from a "skywalk"
Have you watched yellowstone and the many spinoffs and do you have any thoughts about on them? I really liked them all but can imagine they may have been controversial for anyone who has more of a substantive relationship to native American culture.


Well-known member
No, I haven't. Do you recommend?

I was watching this video just a little while ago, it doesn't go into Yellowstone, but it did flash images of the show up near the beginning with some very short negative comments ("not you, not you"), and another image of the series with a big red X over it.



Well-known member
another interesting thing which I have to assume is caused by NVLD is the way I speak (tongue motor skills?), and also how I perceive the way words are or should be spoken.
I guess I also often don't really put any stresses on certain syllables or maybe even stress the wrong syllables.
For example, I remember in elementary school how there was some kind of exercise we did where we were supposed to guess which syllable had the stress, and I just couldn't get it, much to the amusement of everyone else.
or elongating a certain syllable in a word
and lots and lots of other things similar to that with pronunciation or just having trouble saying some words, in general, sometimes.
i mean, there are a million examples but just a few off the top of my head, for most of my life I would pronounce crayon like crown, florida like floorruduh, dwarf like dorf
yesterday when my dad came over to visit, I just couldn't get the words "civil war" out properly, for some reason
whenever I hear a recording someone has made where I've been speaking, I think it sounds like I'm drunk

another curious thing that I've been told is that when I was a toddler that I had not started speaking at the appropriate age and so my mom took me to the doctor and they just basically told her not to worry
and that I started practicing speaking just by myself, and didn't speak to others until I could say full sentences
not that it has anything to do with speaking, but I was also told that I wouldn't go "exploring" so it was kind of easy to keep track of me as a toddler


Well-known member
No, I haven't. Do you recommend?
Yes. I got well into it over Christmas, I really like Westerns anyway, it's like Western tropes but told in a different way. You might like it. Start with the main series and then you can watch 1883 and 1923 too.


Well-known member
sometimes, I just wanna delete myself (at least from facebook)

On May 24th on facebook I said
"I wrote a post yesterday that took me SEVERAL hours to write (not exaggerating) that also included some of the very painful and shameful experiences that I endured (concentrating on my mid-teens)
People say that I should have spoke up more when I was younger, but it was hard to do when feeling so much shame. Now I speak up, and NOTHING.
Not only have I received no engagements except for one person that I had already talked to about it on the phone, but it would be nice if I get even 1/100th of the recognition from people in the family get from other members of the family - oh, nevermind, it's not sports..."

still nothing...

yesterday on facebook I said
I wrote something a couple of weeks ago detailing just a few of the problems I faced with severe NVLD* in my high school years, something that took me several hours to write AND FUCKING CRICKETS

*The person that diagnosed me ~23 years ago said that people with my level of NVLD (measured in large part by the difference in a person's "performance IQ" and "verbal IQ") are often either dead by then or at least homeless - not said to me, but to my mom and stepfather, who were there for me during the diagnosis so he could also get information from them about what I was like

When I first went in, all I knew that I was being tested for autism, I'd never heard of NVLD (and another reason he pointed to NVLD was that the testing and diagnosis rolled into a second day when it shouldn't last that long).

The reason that I decided that I needed to get tested was that I had started reading things about autism, for some reason, when I first got on the internet around 94 and for the next several years - I also picked up books by famous autistic people like Temple Grandin but that just confused me even further because she didn't seem to suffer from some of the same things, and she would "visualize" her way through things.

Finally, in 2001 when another relationship and job fell apart at the same time, I started reading more about it and decided there must be at least something to it even if all of the puzzle pieces didn't fit, and that's when I went to someone that specialized in working with autistic people to get diagnosed and tested, and that's when I first heard of NVLD when it was being applied to me.


Well-known member
There were all sorts of weird tests.
Some of them involved memory (or memory in combination with other things) like he would show me pictures of a whole bunch of different faces and tell me to try remember them, and then we would move on to something else, then he would bring out a whole bunch of different faces again later and ask me if they were one of the faces I'd seen (don't remember how well I did on that, but I remember feeling really nervous).
Another one that stuck out to me because of his comments about it later was when he showed me a picture of a house and told me to commit it to memory, and then some time later he asked me to draw what I remembered so I started drawing, very poorly, disconnected parts like "the door was here", "a window was here", etc. - he said most people start with an outline and then fill in parts which really stuck with me because my dad used to say that I can't see the forest for the trees (I guess, once again, no one thought to question why things might be that way for me).


Well-known member
Ever wonder what it's like to live a life socially isolated 99% of the time (even if a lot of it is self-inflicted in later years) and just YEARNING for connection most of the time?
One wonders what that does to a person...


Well-known member
I apologize if it's all getting a bit too personal and woe-is-me, I'm just really anxious about some things right now and also practically chain-smoking (kill the filthy bastard!).


Well-known member
another interesting thing which I have to assume is caused by NVLD is the way I speak (tongue motor skills?), and also how I perceive the way words are or should be spoken.
whenever I hear a recording someone has made where I've been speaking, I think it sounds like I'm drunk

kinda disappointed someone didn't make an "eating pussy" joke to the "tongue motor skills" remark (hey, don't underestimate the value of enthusiasm!)
video evidence of sounding something like a drunk when totally sober:
Youtube sucks - they should tell you they hid your video under under "Shorts" instead of leaving you wondering what happened.