This seems to be a broader issue online. Everyone's said everything you could say about everything, so now it's just constant recycling. I've seen this on the Red Scare subs too. The options seem to be rehashing the same meta conversations or picking something specific and going deep, i.e. doing 'dematerialisation' over and over or doing threads on certain artists or genres, although usually what happens is people don't go deep and it just becomes a half-arsed thing where some tunes and opinions get posted and that's it.
If you look at early Dissensus, it was mostly the latter. It was only really a period of a few years from like 2018 to 2021 where we had the big ideas threads on here. There are some lengthier, more substantial posts, but a lot of the threads had next to no replies and were just standard music discussions or political discussions with some nasty arguments thrown in.
I have some thread ideas; I think there are lots of new interesting things to still be talked about, I think the question maybe is why the reinforcement machine isn't encouraging people to think these ways or talk these ways. The last time I felt moved was when Linebaugh DM'd me about the Double, and I think I made a really heroic effort over several pages, but the thread died anyway. Or Linebaugh made the Corpsey Dating Advice thread and Corpsey never posted in it. Come to think of it, Linebaugh has been putting in a lot of work. We have been letting him down. We ought to feel ashamed of ourselves
I could start some threads but it feels like a lot of effort and will anything interesting be said in the replies? Would there even be any replies? I've been thinking about:
- Mineral evolution ("Life was invented by rocks to make more rocks")
- Geology as the base causal layer (e.g. How does Greenwich Village stay brownstones? The bedrock. Why does Highway 101 take the path it takes? Because the old Indian and Missionary trails needed to follow a water source)
- Sex as suicide; symbiosis as suicide; symbiosis as slavery
- Ungulates and bovines as archetypal forms (the grazer, the yoked pack animal, the beast of burden)
- "The seed of rot is planted at the moment of conception" (parasites enter the flower/fruit when its sex organs open themselves up to pollination)