Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
this has all be done to death obviously but crusading liberalism is voth inevitable and paradoxical given liberalims claim to universailty.
liberalism is founded on paradoxes. that's the source of its strength but also where the fractures come from. we all know this because we are all liberals.
Even (or rather, especially) @thirdform.

vershy versh

Well-known member
we all know this because we are all liberals.

The sense of liberalism being 'obvious' or 'just the way things are' rather than ideology is intriguing. Is it unique to people immersed in liberalism or is this how people immersed in any ideology feel? Were people in fascist and communist countries more conscious of adhering to a particular ideology?


Well-known member
i think the latter becasue tehy were immersed in a conflict of ideologies. we didnt grow up in a conflict of ideologies in the same way

vershy versh

Well-known member
i think the latter becasue tehy were immersed in a conflict of ideologies. we didnt grow up in a conflict of ideologies in the same way

Yeah, that's what I'm leaning towards. The trappings of the ideology aren't as obvious from the inside either, at least not in comparison to giant eagles and swastikas and hammers and sickles all over the place.


Well-known member
Yeah, that's what I'm leaning towards. The trappings of the ideology aren't as obvious from the inside either, at least not in comparison to giant eagles and swastikas and hammers and sickles all over the place.
your thread is going to summon the dark knight vimothy, the ebon paladin. wither vimothy?


pass the sick bucket
I mean, i have considered it. It would make my life a lot easier, and biscuits wouldn't have to be tormented by a formidable opponent who can make mincemeat out of his unwashed bacon anus. But I have chosen to be the last man standing. If that means I am typecast as incel, then so be it. Although, of course, what my myopic critics insist on failing to realise is that sexuality, like thinking, does not actually exist.