This book is very good, you should read it Luka or anyone who hasn't
i thought this was going to be one of Lewis' onesThis book is very good, you should read it Luka or anyone who hasn't
It is really good, one of the weirdest books I've read. I read it in Spanish but I've looked at the English translation of it too cos I had to write an essay on it, and it was really dated - full of outdated American slang words like 'crummy'. Couldn't imagine a more difficult book to translate though.This book is very good, you should read it Luka or anyone who hasn't
Read it in Spanish? Totally one-upped me there.
Not to disagree and claim they're hilarious but I read 'Twelfth Night' a few years ago and found it genuinely funny.I don't think that Shakey's comedies stand up in the same way
Marquez is the soft, twee side of magical realism - the kind that's been copied the most, but stuff like Obscene bird of the night and Cortázar which get lumped in with MR sometimes are a lot harder and darker, totally different kettle of fish aren't they? I've even seen Juan Rulfo (for Pedro Páramo, which is brilliant and terribly bleak in a very Mexican way) and Borges get called magical realism. It's a bit of a bugbear of mine actually.Magic realism is very easy to parody and take the piss out of... which is normally a sign of something that is good. You can't do that with something really bland and boring cos there is nothing to grab onto in the same way. It's a long time since I read LITTOC or 100YOS for that matter or even any of his other ones but I definitely loved them in the moment.
The imbunche is the imagery that is sort of imprinted on your mind that's for sure. One of my friends is a lecture in hispanic studies and when I said I was reading that (probably almost twenty years ago now!) he said "Ah yes, the imbunche" in his annoyingly pretentious manner.It was about 5 years ago since I read it and I've forgotten most of it by now, just remember some really dark and twisted sexual stuff involving witches sewing up all the orifices of a child to turn it into an imbunche
Imbunche - Wikipedia
I remember the English translation being terrible though, they made the characters speak like Holden Caulfield. Quite a common problem I've found with translations of a lot of Latin American Boom stuff whenever there's any slang.
I saw that Coen brothers Macbeth movie in the cinema with a friend who's a big theatre guy. As soon as it started he kept making these loud noises like "MMMM" and "AhhaHH" and "ohhhkayy" to signify he was thinking "I've seen this done 1000 times and know this play like the back of my hand so can tell that's an interesting choice there Denzel"The 'smug fucker laughing to show he's sophisticated at the theatre' thing is a recognisable and lamnetable phenomenon.
No that's totally fair enough, there were moments where I laughed for sure, the actors were good and they brought the humour out. I mean one of them was from The IT Crowd so she was obviously comically gifted. I just think that there are some points where you can see what the joke is but you can tell the person next to you is really forcing their laugh to show how clever they are.Not to disagree and claim they're hilarious but I read 'Twelfth Night' a few years ago and found it genuinely funny.
Ha ha. Brilliant. It's funny cos the other day for some reason I was looking up the "tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow" soliloquy for some reason, seeing versions of it done by so many famous actors, and basically they all try and put their own stamp on it - or make their choice as you put it - and I felt that a lot of them were so keen to sound unique by changing the pacing or shouting at unexpected moments, that many of them had made it much less powerful than it is when simply seen written down, all cos of their hammy over-performing.I saw that Coen brothers Macbeth movie in the cinema with a friend who's a big theatre guy. As soon as it started he kept making these loud noises like "MMMM" and "AhhaHH" and "ohhhkayy" to signify he was thinking "I've seen this done 1000 times and know this play like the back of my hand so can tell that's an interesting choice there Denzel"
He fell asleep 10 mins later and I chose not to wake him up