Benny Bunter
Well-known member
Chapman. I'm about a quarter of the way through already, it's great. Longer lines than the Pope version so you don't notice the jangly rhyming couplets so much.
Homer, you philistine.Chapman or Pope?
Homer, you philistine.
did you finish pride and prejudice in the end? loads of old posts where you're trying then getting bored and going back to gears of war and wanking
my dad always advised me not to read the books cos it would only confuse me. just learn what you are supposed to think about them.You could actually get away with just reading a few chapters though to pass the exam, same with the shakespeare we 'read' - bit of a joke really. I got an A*
We did wuthering heights and the return of the native, both of which I cordially thought were big piles of shit
I reread Wuthering Heights as an adult and thought it was brilliant so
We did Hamlet at A Level and it was a game changer, although mainly we underlined stuff that seemed funny cos it sounded a bit rude