
I practiced while I sat there and the brilliant homeless artist chatted with me about Pinocchio. Every prompt they gave you and Edmund I wrote my own version. I tried to read your versions to compare but then I thought I was probably being very rude and cramping the process and I asked Edmund and he said yeah I hate when people read over my shoulder while I'm composing, it's completely mental.


Well-known member
edmund was really angry about that handwritten poem. he always gets defensive when he sees other poet-tramps work. he said it was an illiterate loads of shit, fucking awful.

i agree that it is totally illiterate and makes no sense but i've seen way, way worse and hes done it in quickly enough for a professional.


more compotent than any of the others ive seen. doing it by hand is an odd choice but very legible handwriting. i mean, no idea what hes on about but even so.
Wouldn't it save lugging a typewriter and table about? You could use nice parchment paper and a quill and dress as Christopher Marlowe, correcting people when they mistakenly think you're dressed as Shakespeare.


i wen to the guy and siad bob dmylan. he sai what bob dylan means to me, i said i just hes my fav artist, he said there are pics of him in this park i said WHERE!?!?!??!? but he meant that there were pictures that were taken of him in this park. my dumbass thought there were pictures of him hung up around the park or something. i got the poem.
Do you like the poem?


bandz ahoy
Read "The ruined cottage" by WW today, not the best but i think i understand 'how' to 'read' 'wordsworth' now and i feel readier for 'the prelude'


A combination of ekphrastic poetry via photos, her personal expression about her life with her, envisioned holding my friend's hand with healing and loving energy while writing and hearing her voice reading the words and also calling on the profundity of creative powers with poetic heart, mind, and soul from deep within. #grandma #poem #poemoftheday