I was actually first exposed to 'grunge' via the Aussie bands that invented it - really a post-Birthday Party reaction - via the Scientists, Feedtime, Grong Grong, King Snake Roost, Lubricated Goat, the whole Citadel roster, some of the early Waterfront bands, the Abberant Record label..
But then some motherfuckers decided that it was a genre that came from Seattle. Innaresting as Mudhoney - prolly the 'definitive' grunge band were just an American band copying Aussie post-BirtdayParty punkers!!
STILL, I did the metal thread, and really GRUNGE was just metal minus the poifannt haricuts and shittier clothes. I always found GRUNGE just to be hardcore with more mainstream metal influences. When I first heard Nirvana I just thought, they're the new GUNS n' ROSES, and Cobain's constant apologising to be aligned with a more 'underground' or 'arty' scene was just that in the end, but..we may never know...
Of the grunge bands, the first Mudhoney ep and album were great, I liked bits of Killdozer, and really like the Aphetamine Reptile label..Also I find SOundgarden to be a major guilty pleasure, and honestly didn't mind a few of the Pearl Jam tunes (mainly 'rearview mirror') - but the rest..I mean WARRIOR SOUL (and later NICKELBACK) were WORSE than ANYTHING hair-metal could ejaculate, and I'll leave it at that...
But then some motherfuckers decided that it was a genre that came from Seattle. Innaresting as Mudhoney - prolly the 'definitive' grunge band were just an American band copying Aussie post-BirtdayParty punkers!!
STILL, I did the metal thread, and really GRUNGE was just metal minus the poifannt haricuts and shittier clothes. I always found GRUNGE just to be hardcore with more mainstream metal influences. When I first heard Nirvana I just thought, they're the new GUNS n' ROSES, and Cobain's constant apologising to be aligned with a more 'underground' or 'arty' scene was just that in the end, but..we may never know...
Of the grunge bands, the first Mudhoney ep and album were great, I liked bits of Killdozer, and really like the Aphetamine Reptile label..Also I find SOundgarden to be a major guilty pleasure, and honestly didn't mind a few of the Pearl Jam tunes (mainly 'rearview mirror') - but the rest..I mean WARRIOR SOUL (and later NICKELBACK) were WORSE than ANYTHING hair-metal could ejaculate, and I'll leave it at that...