Enlightenment! (or invasion?)


Well-known member
Luke & Backjob - completely blown away.

And I agree about the talking to other people bit. This is kinda what I was getting at when I rambled about bringing it back into everyday life.

My own limit experience took place over four months. Best read from the bottom up. N.B. Some of it is embarrassing but I'm past caring.

I'm still coming down from it.


Well-known member
That's why I think buddha was wrong and rumi was right - it's a conversation or a link that pushes you up there not something inside of you.

Which I agree with. Not read Rumi - have to give it a go. I also like the idea of the Bodhisattva. Someone who forgoes enlightenment to help other beings. And love the Bodhisattva vows. So ambitious...


This shape I have, O master, who do I look like?
One moment I am a fairy, the next and enchanter of one.
Burning with enthousiasms, I am both the candle and the crowd gathered around it;
I am the smoke and the light, together and scattered at once.

(Rumi, Divan 1465:1-2)


New member

New to Dissensus. These are peak experiences you are describing. They are deterritorializing. I think this explains the esoteric/exoteric divide in many religions. If you follow the exoteric precepts you won't be completely destabilized when you get to the esoteric core. I had a kundalini awakening that lasted for a few days. It was traumatic having my ontology yanked out from under me, so to speak. It's taken me two years to get close to where I was for that period of time but it has been an amazing two years. I am a total freak now, too.

Diggedy Derek

Stray Dog
Those are terrific posts Luka and Backjob. Backjob, that bit about the huge handful of soggy salty sentiment that didn't make sense- I feel for ya, man.

I have little to add to this thread. My acid experiences seemed pretty mindblowing, and for a while I wanted to follow these enlightenments whever they led. But later I found that messing around with drugs and solitude chipped away at my sense of self, making it harder to connect to others. Drifting on emotional/inspirational ideas made it harder for me to get things done, to be productive, to focus.

These days I'm focused, and I prefer it.

noel emits

a wonderful wooden reason
beer of the gods

heheh - just reading the list of symptoms of the onset of ego-loss in that psychedelic experience page. sounds like a 'whitey' no? lots of beer and skunk (in that order) as a path to enlightenment? enwhitenment!


Well-known member
the one thing that has always stuck in my mind is something i read in a hakim bey essay, something like

enlightenment is easy, it's being human that's difficult

i can't remeber if that was one of his or if it was a sufi saying. it's the truth though. i stopped chasing those expereicenes even though they're a lot of fun. i find life pretty boring and i'm not very good at it but i try and get on with it. try and be a good mate, try and be honest, try and not sell myself out, try and be understanding, try not to hurt peoples feelings, try and make people laugh, try and offer reassurance and encouragement when its appropriate, all that sort of thing. try not to be too much of a cunt,.


when you put it like that luke, that makes it seem clear for me like this:

that moment of emlightenment is when you cut loose from all the bulshittery imposed that you have to put up with as a kid... all that social conditioning, from teachers, familia, mates ... it's when you get faith in yer own abilities to make yer own choices by yer own criteria, when you realise responsibility for the contents of your own head and the implications and consequences...
by focussing inwards drugs are jus a short cut to this realization ? it seems well simple when you look at it like that