Met simon cowell tonight,


met simon cowell tonight, an utterly surreal encounter

was strolling down towards knightsbridge after eating lebanese food in the park, which was full of gulf tourists, lots of ladies in abaya & blokes in western garb looking like they miss their djellabia, when we come upon this strolling figure... full regalia, tarboosh and nice outfit with oudh.


remarking respectfully on his oud we get chatting & this old chap is from husain district of cairo, where is the famous market of khan-el-khalili & al-azhar university & the mosque of zeinab (pbuh) and that , he says 'yeah i'm famous everybody knows me i'm el-sebaei, i've been around a load of countries - germany, the states and that but it's my first time to london, i've been here a couple of days playing private parties, after being in germany for the world cup, i've just been playing for some rich qataris, now i would like to drink some water

spotting we're a nice couple el-sebeai serenades us, just like that, in the park, a group of arab lads walking past clap and cheer and he's going, in english, with oud accompanying: oh my darliiing, your eyes are like starrrys, your smile is sooo lovellyyyy you're driving hiiim keraaazeeee...

he say: i've seen piccadilly, edgeware road and this nice park, is there any another thing to see in london?
well we're just round the corner from harrods we say, & he say o moh'd el-fayed he will know me i'm famous & he like futball too, so we walk round the corner el-sebaiee waving like big celeb to everyone that passes and clocks him in his full garb, when we come across this big muscly type of bentley containing none other than simon cowell - look el sebaiee says i - that man is right famous, sebaiee (who knows nothing of cowell) asks the name - him name simon says i...
oooh simon my darliiing your smile so loverlyyy your eyes like starssssy

simon, fag in hand with some nice blondy lady not his regular girlfriend is gubsmacked, looking around for the hidden camera, myself almost dropping from laughing, my girl on the phone missed the whole episode


heavy heavy monster sound
Your random encounter made me laugh out loud Sufi. Random question, do you know anything about Shaaban Abdel Raheem? I just found this

and, aside from the obvious, the music is amazing


mistersloane said:
Your random encounter made me laugh out loud Sufi. Random question, do you know anything about Shaaban Abdel Raheem? I just found this

and, aside from the obvious, the music is amazing

strangley enuff i did meet shaabollah himself last year after seeing him live in cairo

our conversation went as follows
shaaban " your not arab are you?"
sufi " clearly not mate"

that was it.

it was a hilarious night out though on a par with the cowell encounter,
couple of cassette rips are here -'biaat/
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heavy heavy monster sound
our conversation went as follows
shaaban " your not arab are you?"
sufi " clearly not mate"

thanks Sufi! I thought you'd know his stuff, i can imagine live it's like seeing, erm, the Spice Girls in their heyday or something, I'm jealous! Thanks for the cassettes too! Much appreciated!!


should be mawawil مواويل = plural of mawal
that casette is from adawia the king of sha'bi mawal :cool: :cool:

thanks for the link by the way mrsloane! :)