pretentiously inappropriate names for bars/ restaurants etc.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
On the Mao theme, there's a basic noodle bar place just by Notting Hill Gate that grandly titles itself 'New Culture Revolution'. I mean, like, pretentious or what?

Gah, reminds me of 'Red Veg' just off Oxford Street - they've put the 'R' back-to-front for added, er, authenticity. :cool:


The Heatwave
There's a pub on the corner of Wood Lane and Shepherd's Bush Green which was a cavernous old grotty boozer that got spruced up and renamed The Defector's Weld. I mean, who's defecting - and why are they welding?

'S'all wrong...

for some reason i got it in my head that weld is a variation on guild (gu often = w e.g. guillaume/william) but i don't know if i just made that up/imagined it... and do defectors have guilds?


Hardly, there's some pretty good nosh to be had in Liverpool as it happens.

I'm no foodie, but it doesn't seem worse than anywhere else, I suppose. There's an amazing Chinese called Chilli Chilli that specialises in spicy dishes, deffo worth a visit.