favourite headline ever

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
I shouldn't laugh

after all Ian Curtis of Joy Division topped himself after watching the chicken scene in Stroszek

Stroszek - dancing chicken

evil creatures

I had no idea that was a Herzog film, and just discovered this by googling for his famous quote about chickens.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
I love it that they put 'aggressive' in quote marks in the headline, as if to imply that they would have been overstepping some journalistic, and perhaps even legalistic, boundaries by straightforwardly calling it an aggressive chicken, even though it attacked and killed a man, but wanted to make it clear they were merely quoting someone else's opinion as to the aggressiveness of the chicken.


Well-known member
The idea of Mitch McConnell tripping is pretty funny, maybe Nancy Pelosi slipped some mushrooms into his lunch.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps

Trying everything from effigies in trees to a hired falconer to scare off the crows, Sunnyvale Mayor Larry Klein and his staff have studied and are about to implement a different approach: inexpensive green laser pointers that appear to "spook" the birds off without harming them.

Was hoping this would be about using multi-kW, RF-pumped, thermal-infrared CO2 lasers to vaporize the beaky little cunts. Boring! :(

vershy versh

Well-known member
"A New York fertility doctor who was accused of using his own sperm to impregnate several patients died over the weekend when the hand-built airplane he was in fell apart mid-flight and crashed, authorities say."