the dissensus listening test


was minusone
puretokyo said:
thats fucking amazing

explains a lot about why different people prefer different types of melodies

you mean you understood it??? respect

my hypertext eye skimmed it, brain rejected it, moved on - maybe i need to concentrate harder :D


Well-known member
'my hypertext eye skimmed it, brain rejected it, moved on - maybe i need to concentrate harder '

if it's any consolation you're not the only one. anyone fancy trying to put it in laymans terms?


puretokyo said:
thats fucking amazing

explains a lot about why different people prefer different types of melodies

i love shit to do with sound, the effects it can have. how people hear it, how it's used in the natural world etc.. quite fascinating but almost completley useless..


Mercury Blues
mpc said:
i couldn't be bothered to read it either. can someone explain it in 5 or fewer lines?

really really simply, each 'note' is actually on several octaves.

the second note is half an octave above AND below the first one. which way you hear it depends on your personal 'learned' ear - which is of course socially/culturally determined.

theres a bit of other stuff but thats the gist.
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