i had a run in with someone who had been in paris in 68. he was giving an after dinner speech at a physics conference and the way he talked about it really upset me. it wasnt anything particular just the way he approached it "of course we, as academics, were meant to be on strike! ha! in solidarity with the students! but we just wanted to get back to the lab" "our car broke down and when we came back from the phoning ahead to say we'd be late it had turned into a road block" shucks how inconvenient for you... uhmm this isnt sounding very offensive i kno... then he said something like "after i complained to my supervisor about not being able to do my work he decided to move me out to san francisco... as soon as i left the strike ended in paris and the race riots began in california! oh dear!" i think it was just his -"bloody students/darkies want some respect they should go and get a phd and do something proper like academic research like i'm trying to do"- attitude that pissed me off... added to which his following 'jokes' for want of a better word, which implicitly assumed all comitted scientists are male/straight/having affairs and the free wine that some-one had been making us down and i had to leave the room twice to stop myself having it out with him
so in answer to the question...
i dont want to see the past because all the history i know is just lies and after the event constructions... and the truth doesnt really matter to me that much... i kno what i think it is and i dont really care if for example i went back in time and find tony really did get a report on WMD which was convincing, i dont care, its still bullshit. i'd love to see the future instead, the point of the peak of human civilisation coluld be cool, but maybe a little too clean and sterile and ordered (or am i just thinking of star trek? lol) and then i'd lkike to see the big bursts of creativity that happen after that when mankind is fading out and things are certain on the way to being over but pockets of excitement can still happen and they have the mixed up half remembered influences of all human history. those times might be a little depressing but could be interesting in the way i imagine the cargo cult, the italian futurists, early post war japan, NY/london punk scenes, prague spring would be even tho they probably wouldnt really turn out that way if i went back.