noel emits

a wonderful wooden reason
Time thieves, know-it-alls, point-scorers, intimidators, manipulators, hypnotisers, knockers, haters, back-stabbers. You know what I'm talking about. I guess most people exhibit those characteristics from time to time. But some individuals seem to operate almost exclusively this way. What's up with that? How do you deal with it? How do you recognise it in yourself? It seems to be rarely talked about. Battle ye not with monsters...


Beast of Burden


Well-known member
er, really though, those people, i always try and let them know i know what they're up too, either by being transparently rude and pissed off looking or by beating them at their own game. saying, ok, those are the rules, i'll play by them and crush you. obviously sometimes they're too good for me. sometimes i'm feeling too weak to fight.


I don't understand the concept of "haters". It seems now that if you say you dislike a band / artist / film, there has to be some sort of deep neurosis attached to it, as if saying you can't stand Frank Zappa albums means you're on some "all beauty must die" mission to crap on the golden altar of creativity for a cheap ego boost. What's wrong with being partisan about music? It's just a bit of fun, ultimately. Next time you get angry about someone laughing off the Beatles as "hippies", remember that if we'd always been so open minded and mature about it, we'd never have had Mods vs Rockers. Or Prince Jazzbo calling I-Roy a ladyboy. Or Johnny Rotten slamming a door in Mick Jagger's face.

I spent (wasted) about five years in an intense relationship with someone who grew to develop a negative outlook on life and eventually, as it fell to pieces, I realised that the whole thing was based on her need for someone (ie-anyone) to bitch to / sound off at / approve her views and attitudes, no matter how extreme. I suppose that's the closest I've come to a psychic vampire. What did I do about it? Nothing - she dumped me after her dad's ghost appeared to her in a dream and ordered her to return to Islam.

noel emits

a wonderful wooden reason
Sure. I don't think there's any harm at all in disliking something. But I didn't really mean 'Haters' in that sense. More Resenters - friends or other people around you who don't like to see you growing/changing/moving-on, or just doing something; either out of a sense of jealousy or abandonment, or perhaps because they think it means they can't for some reason. Insecurities, crabs in barrels and that. Sometimes that does edge into the realm music/art appreciation too.

noel emits

a wonderful wooden reason
And thanks for the other bit. That's something I can totally understand. Best to learn how to spot these things early on. Have known several people like that in my life and recently felt the need to distance myself from one of them. This has caused some real resentment and outrageous personal attacks as the feeding trough was taken away. Good though. It makes it all much more obvious and out in the open. They (I hesitate to use that word because I think most of us can be guilty of this at one time or another) can be so sneaky and er, irrational.

According to people like Wilhelm Reich, this is THE problem facing human society. He called it the Emotional Plague and said it was virtually unavoidable. If we could all feel happy and secure in ourselves we wouldn't need to shit on anyone else, or something.

Luka's method works for me too. It's empowering and can often help the other party to see what they've been doing. I think you do have to be careful not to turn into an asshole yourself though, unless that's what you want. Also, unless someone is a complete sociopath, this kind of behaviour is often unconscious - bad habits.


Oh yeah - those sorts. Know what you mean entirely. I quite like the SE Asian attitude towards such things - if somebody does you dirty or pisses you off, getting bitter as a result means you've inherited their problem. I'd like to think I'm never like that ie- lashing out because someone's moved on. But you should see my mate Nick now he's got married! His wife won't let me see him anymore! I asked if he wanted to meet up at Carnival, and he said, "Actually I'm going with Deborah...and er...well, I try telling her you're OK really and that time in Kings Cross was just a one-off...look, she's really got it in for you". I threw quite a tantrum and demanded my single mate back, I can tell you!


Well-known member
At first I just thought you meant just dicks. Like people who figured out that if you can take advantage of people's natural tendency to be submissive to authority--which you can give yourself by just taking charge--you can use people to your ends. Those people you are best to avoid as much as possible or like was said, show them that you won't submit, that you are on to them, it's a whole power struggle thing. I'd still rather not deal with them though, they seem a big waste of time and are totally untrustworthy, so if I can identify them I avoid them. The harder stuff is where it's layers of dishonesty about being vampires, where they don't see what they are but somehow still operate the same way.

Just general negativity or the whole perpetual victim thing is really draining in a different way, they are like anchors that just want to take down as many people as they can. There is no way to convince them that they are making things the way they are. Nothing can ever be good enough, there's no point where their needs are satisfied. I got caught in all that with a girlfriend too and although it never changed my outlook too much, I would have been much better off if I wasn't dealing with that siphoning constantly. At the time I didn't realise how futile it was to try and help her. I've known friends like this too, but they have less effect because I don't really have to tolerate their whining if I don't feel like it.


Well-known member
SE ASIA - yeah cause&effect is so about the the moment, and kinda accepting that how you are is down to what you are doing.

As they say you have to invite a vampire in.....


i thought this post was about people who's downward negative energy is so heinous that you feel tired and miserable within a metre or so of them.
has anyone experienced that?
i had that so brutally a few times, worst time was in the quewe at the supermarket in wood green, two women muttering amongst themselves, i could actually feel them sapping energy. You probably think i'm mad but i don't care.

there was a famous case of vampiric forces at highgate cemetry during the 60's you know. people practicing black magic etc, satanists putting corpses in coppers cars and accusations of cat sacrifice.
my girlfriends dad once said he thought he saw a vampire but it turned out to be a horse.

montague summers, one of the big boys at the british society for sex pychology and repressed homosexual once wrote a good book on vampires.


martin said:
I don't understand the concept of "haters". It seems now that if you say you dislike a band / artist / film, there has to be some sort of deep neurosis attached to it, as if saying you can't stand Frank Zappa albums means you're on some "all beauty must die" mission to crap on the golden altar of creativity for a cheap ego boost. What's wrong with being partisan about music? It's just a bit of fun, ultimately. Next time you get angry about someone laughing off the Beatles as "hippies", remember that if we'd always been so open minded and mature about it, we'd never have had Mods vs Rockers. Or Prince Jazzbo calling I-Roy a ladyboy. Or Johnny Rotten slamming a door in Mick Jagger's face.

I spent (wasted) about five years in an intense relationship with someone who grew to develop a negative outlook on life and eventually, as it fell to pieces, I realised that the whole thing was based on her need for someone (ie-anyone) to bitch to / sound off at / approve her views and attitudes, no matter how extreme. I suppose that's the closest I've come to a psychic vampire. What did I do about it? Nothing - she dumped me after her dad's ghost appeared to her in a dream and ordered her to return to Islam.

hmm had very similar experiences based around the same neuroses with a woman.
she married soon after, shit is heavy..

noel emits

a wonderful wooden reason
i agree that you have to invite a vampire in, and some of us can be more susceptible to trickery and deceit of this kind than others, perhaps to do with issues in childhood. it's a form of emotional abuse and can be mistaken for friendship, affection or just normality if that's what you learned from family/teachers etc. at an early age. it's often a case of build em up and knock em down - and it isn't just to do with victim types or dicks who want to impose their will on others - there are many strategies that people use to 'drain' others. it can work like a chain reaction - someone makes you feel like shit and you take it out on someone else cos that unconsciously seems the easiest way to regain equilibrium. or someones bullshit makes you feel uptight and you are unable to behave at all pleasantly or reasonably for a while.

there are no vampires really (well, not many), but a hell of a lot of vampiric behaviour.

the thing is, what is the actual mechanism involved? i think eastern schools of thought have some ideas about this, but is there any good explanation in accepted western science/medicine?


jd_ said:
Yeah... I like the ring of "My Ex Was A Psychic Vampire" though. New thread?

nah i'm not really into dissing the person if the force they have to deal with is the real psychic vampire
i forgive very easily too, don't really think people are always liable to rationality thoughts and that's important and exciting


Noel Emits said:
i agree that you have to invite a vampire in, and some of us can be more susceptible to trickery and deceit of this kind than others, perhaps to do with issues in childhood. it's a form of emotional abuse and can be mistaken for friendship, affection or just normality if that's what you learned from family/teachers etc. at an early age. it's often a case of build em up and knock em down - and it isn't just to do with victim types or dicks who want to impose their will on others - there are many strategies that people use to 'drain' others. it can work like a chain reaction - someone makes you feel like shit and you take it out on someone else cos that unconsciously seems the easiest way to regain equilibrium. or someones bullshit makes you feel uptight and you are unable to behave at all pleasantly or reasonably for a while.

there are no vampires really (well, not many), but a hell of a lot of vampiric behaviour.

the thing is, what is the actual mechanism involved? i think eastern schools of thought have some ideas about this, but is there any good explanation in accepted western science/medicine?

the force of vertical memetics isn't it