vershy versh Well-known member Apr 16, 2024 #221 MPs back smoking ban for those born after 2009 The measures, championed by PM Rishi Sunak, pass despite opposition by several leading Conservative figures.
MPs back smoking ban for those born after 2009 The measures, championed by PM Rishi Sunak, pass despite opposition by several leading Conservative figures.
vershy versh Well-known member Apr 16, 2024 #222 version said: MPs back smoking ban for those born after 2009 The measures, championed by PM Rishi Sunak, pass despite opposition by several leading Conservative figures. Click to expand... Last week, ex-prime minster Boris Johnson called the smoking ban "absolutely nuts" during a speech at a Conservative conference in Ottawa, Canada. "When the party of Winston Churchill wants to ban cigars, donnez-moi un break as they say in Quebec, it's just mad," he said.
version said: MPs back smoking ban for those born after 2009 The measures, championed by PM Rishi Sunak, pass despite opposition by several leading Conservative figures. Click to expand... Last week, ex-prime minster Boris Johnson called the smoking ban "absolutely nuts" during a speech at a Conservative conference in Ottawa, Canada. "When the party of Winston Churchill wants to ban cigars, donnez-moi un break as they say in Quebec, it's just mad," he said.
qwerty south no use for a witticism Jan 10, 2025 #223 vaping is cooler and minty fresher / fruitier (as per your taste)