sight vs. hearing


there are no accidents
the critiques of The Gaze by the french theorists: vision is indeed very loaded; it is our entry way into the symbolic order; it is the primary method of indoctrination. there is an exploitative dimension and power dynamic in the relationship between the looker and the looked upon.

to be suspicious of vision and list the ways it is controled by ideology i suppose may be the logical next step after questioning reasons for its priviledge in our society.

from nono:

McLuhan... strangely claimed that the invention of the printing press didn't so much privilege the word over the image, but rather introduced a whole visual regime of rigid, hierarchical thinking and existing. Having to wade through his style, many people don't notice that McLuhan associated the new electronic culture, which he was so famous for promoting, with a new auditory culture that would be more fluid. He hope that the ear would come to replace the eye in the global village.


Doesn't the problem with sound art from a populism point of view also come in that unlike an avant-garde work of visual art you can't just look at it and go "oh yeh" - tick the box and move on... that it occupies space in time and that only through time can its true form be perceived. As such its "difficulty" is more oppressive, its abstraction more domineering. This is why highly abstract or conceptual visual art is still relatively popular I think: its easy to take in (although only on an extremely superficial level perhaps).

I would agree, it is easy to make a piece of visual art become passive and feel like you have appreciated something (ticked the box), whereas if you were to try to do the same with sound you cannot get that superficial sense of achievement. Both forms should affect us buts it's simpler go through the motions of mimicing that affect with something we can walk away from rather than somthing we subject ourselves to for X minutes.

People, in general, choose visual art because it doesn't impose on our sense of contol?

vershy versh

Well-known member

"Just as printing imposed on us a visual and linear mode of thought, and gave sight the prime place in the hierarchy of the senses, so the electronic age provides information from all directions at once. Thus the ratio of the senses is altered in favour of hearing with its superior kinaesthetic qualities, and we have to adjust to a new relation with space and time."​



"Just as printing imposed on us a visual and linear mode of thought, and gave sight the prime place in the hierarchy of the senses, so the electronic age provides information from all directions at once. Thus the ratio of the senses is altered in favour of hearing with its superior kinaesthetic qualities, and we have to adjust to a new relation with space and time."​
I just looked him up and he seems to have lost his quiff.