I was going to do a thread about what your film milestones in your life were, but decided it's not really worth it to mention how I watched a Lynch film at 18 then got into 'world cinema' in my 20s, where I saw a few Japanese films, but can't remember that many pure Yakuza films, so it's a possibility.You could do Yakuza films.
I should rewatch the The Yakuza the Mitchum film.
I got this for Christmas, not watched any properly yet as can't get into Brit Noir, with a few exceptions like Hell Drivers, The Upturned Glass, Cash on Demand, and 36 Hours AKA Terror Street but that has Dan Duryea. Highly Dangerous too, but not really a noir. Saw The Blue Lamp years ago before I got into noir. Admittedly never given Brit Noir much of a chance.
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That's another one I saw before I got into American film noir, about 15 years ago so don't remember it.It Always Rains On Sunday – Vintage Classics
This one gets big Iain's thumbs up (I've not seen it)